view README.aarch64 @ 1541:9a781f9c1338 default tip

Added tag aarch64-jdk8u60-b24.2 for changeset 6b5ede6157df
author adinn
date Wed, 19 Aug 2015 16:16:54 +0100
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       Obtaining, Building and Running the OpenJDK AArch64 Port


The current AArch64 port of OpenJDK allows execution of a template
interpreter implemented using JITted AArch64 code and a C1 JIT
compiler which generates AArch64 code. It does not yet include a
complete implementation of the C2 JIT compiler.

In the absence of available ARMv8 hardware, the AArch64 JVM has to
employ a simulator to execute the AArch64 code. There are two modes of

The first is to run the ported JVM compiled for x86 hardware and Linux
and use our small AArch64 simulator to execute AArch64 code. With this
option the JVM operates in 'mixed mode'. The compiled C++ code which
makes up the bulk of the JVM core is compiled to native x86
binary/libraries.  However, all JITted code is in AArch64 machine code
format; this includes a small number of runtime stub routines as well
as the template interpreter code and the code output by the C1/C2

The JVM employs upon a small (and only partially complete) functional
simulator to execute the JITted AArch64 code. When a transition is
made from VM code into JITted code the JVM switches execution into the
simulator code (running on a separate stack from the caller thread)
and uses the simulator to execute the JITed code. The JITted code
locates its stack frames in the same stack as the compiled VM code and
employs the same data layouts as the compiled x86 code. If JITted code
calls back into x86 code the simulator reverts execution back to a
frame on the original stack executing native x86 code once again. So,
execution of JITted AArch64 code happens transparently when running
the x86 binary.

It is easy to debug execution of the small AArch64 simulator under
gdb. A suite of gdb commands has been provided which makes it possible
to trace, break and step through JITted code either at the AArch64
instruction or at the bytecode level. This includes automatic
disassembly of AArch64 instructions and bytecodes.

The second mode of operation is to cross-compile the ported JVM to
AArch64 executables/libraries and then run it on ARM's Foundation
model simulator. This option requires downloading both the ARM's
simulator and an ARM Linux distribution (root tree) onto your host
system. This mode is slow and has limited debug support but it
exercises the full target stack of JITted code, compiled JVM and
operating system code similarly to how it will operate when real
hardware becomes available.

Obtaining the AArch64 Sources Using Mercurial

The sources for the JVM port are contained in the porting project's
mercurial repository on the OpenJDK HG server

To obtain a copy of the OpenJDK source code, execute the following
command in a root directory of your choice:

  $ hg clone jdk8

The jdk8 tree needs to be populated with the necessary subrepos by
executing script (command 'bash

If you wish to use the small AArch64 simulator and its debug
capabilities, download and populate two other mercurial repos:

  $ hg clone simulator 

  $ hg clone binutils

Note, however, that the configure scripts for the simulator build will
automatically download these repositories if they are not present.

n.b. if you download by hand you must ensure all 3 repos sit side by
side under the same root directory.

Once you have populated the subrepos of jdk8 you will find the
AArch64-specific code in subdirectories




Note however that some of the shared code and the make scripts contain
AArch64 specific code. All such code is guarded by conditional tests
which depend upon the variables TARGET_ARCH_aarch64 and BUILTIN_SIM
being defined or upon variable SRCARCH. The former is only the JVM
code is configured to build for AArch64 and the latter only defined
when configured to build using the small AArch64 simulator.

As a sanity check it should be possible to build a standard x86/Linus
JVM from the jdk8 tree by following the normal OpenJDK build process.

Using the small AArch64 simulator

Building on the small AArch64 simulator

To configure a small AArch64 simulator build, execute the following
command in your top-level download (jdk8) directory:

  $ bash sim_configure

This should automatically download the simulator and binutils repos,
locating them in ../simulator and ./binutils, respectively.

If the configure script tells you that you are missing packages then
download and install them and try again.

To build the JVM for execution using the small AArch64 simulator,
execute the following command in your top-level download (jdk8)

  $ bash sim_compile

This should automatically compile the code in ../simulator producing
shared library ../simulator/

This should also automatically compile the AArch64 JVM disassembler
library located in hotspot/src/share/tools/hsdis, using the binutils
code in ../binutils to provide the AArch64-specific decompile routines.
The resulting library should be installed in the generated j2sdk image
tree as file jre/lib/aarch64/

n.b the configure script assumes you have a JDK7 release installed


You may need to modify the script to specify the correct location.

After a few cups of coffee you should find the AArch64 JVM image under
your build directory

  $ ls -C1 build/linux-aarch64-normal-client-slowdebug/images/j2sdk-image

Running the JVM using the small AArch64 simulator

You can run the JVM merely by executing the binaries under your
j2sdk-image directory, For example, assuming you have a copy of in your jdk8 directory

  $ cd jdk8
  $ javac
  $ build/linux-aarch64-normal-client-slowdebug/j2sdk-image/bin/java Hello
  Hello world!
  $ time build/linux-aarch64-normal-client-slowdebug/j2sdk-image/bin/javac

  real	1m20.217s
  user	1m20.227s
  sys	0m0.056s

Running under gdb

The simulator directory contains a script file which you can source
from gdb in order to obtain access to a set of commands which allow
you to trace, break, step, disassemble and inspect the processor state
when executing AArch64 code in the simulator.

  $ cd jdk8
  $ gdb build/linux-aarch64-normal-client-slowdebug/j2sdk-image/bin/java
   . . .
  (gdb) source ../simulator/simgdbinit
  (gdb) help simtrace

  simtrace [0|1]

  simtrace can be used to display or set the status of instruction level
  tracing. when tracing is enabled every ARM instruction executed by the
  simulator will be disassembled and displayed as it is executed. when
  tracing is disabled only the pending instruction at a break point or
  after a (single- or multi-)step will be disassembled and displayed.

  with no arguments simtrace displays the current status, either 0 if
  instruction tracing is disabled or 1 if it is enabled.  tracing is
  enabled by executing 'simtrace 1' and disabled by executing 'simtrace 0'

(gdb) simtrace
No symbol table is loaded.  Use the "file" command.

Note that you can still use all the normal gdb commands to break step
though and inspect the state of the compiled C++ JVM code.

All the commands provided in the script start with the prefix
sim. They are all documented (read the file for details or type help
command in gdb to read the help text online). Also, they can all be
identified using auto-completion (type the prefix and hit tab).

Unfortunately, all the sim commands are implemented by calling out to
methods implemented by class Simulator so you cannot use them until
the program has actually started executing. A good place to start is
to enable an automatic breakpoint whenever a thread first executes an
AArch64 instruction. To do this type the following commands into a

  $ echo  "simstopnew 1" > ~/.simgdbrc

Now when you run the program it will stop wen the initial thread first
starts executing AArch64 code

  (gdb) run Hello
  Starting program: .../jdk8/build/linux-amd64-debug/j2sdk-image/bin/java 
  . . .
  [New Thread 0x7ffff5b90700 (LWP 15476)]
  [15476] Loaded disassembler from .../jdk8/buildlinux-aarch64-normal-client-slowdebug/j2sdk-image/jre/lib/amd64/
  [Disassembling for mach='aarch64']
    0x00007fffee07a6a0: stp	xfp, xlr, [sp,#-16]!

  Program received signal SIGUSR1, User defined signal 1.
  [Switching to Thread 0x7ffff6f40700 (LWP 2848)]
  AArch64Simulator::doBreak (this=0x7ffff00943c0) at debug.cpp:450
  Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install glibc-2.15-58.fc17.x86_64 libgcc-4.7.2-2.fc17.x86_64 libstdc++-4.7.2-2.fc17.x86_64

You can step to the next instruction by executing simstep

  (gdb) simstep
  [15476]   0x00007fffee07a6a4: mov	xfp, sp

  Program received signal SIGUSR1, User defined signal 1.
  AArch64Simulator::doBreak (this=0x7ffff00943c0) at debug.cpp:450

You can step to a bytecode boundary by using simstepbc

  (gdb) simstepbc
  [15476]   METHOD:   java.lang.Object.<clinit>()V
  [15476]   BYTECODE: 0 aconst_null
  [15476]   0x00007fffee089cf8: movz	x0, #0x0

  Program received signal SIGUSR1, User defined signal 1.
  AArch64Simulator::doBreak (this=0x7ffff00943c0) at debug.cpp:450

So, it appears we have entered the class initializer for class Object
which is the first Java method which gets executed during the
bootstrap. If you switch on instruction trace you can see the
instructions which execute a specific bytecode followed by the
threading code which reads the next bytecode and jumps to the address
in template interpreter's dispatch table implementing that bytecode

  (gdb) simtrace 1
  simtrace = 1
  (gdb) simstepbc
  [15476]   0x00007fffee089cfc: ldrb	wscratch1, [xbcp,#1]!
  [15476]   0x00007fffee089d00: add	wscratch2, wscratch1, #0x700
  [15476]   0x00007fffee089d04: ldr	xscratch2, [xdispatch,w9,uxtw #3]
  [15476]   0x00007fffee089d08: br	xscratch2
  [15476]   0x00007fffee08bd10: str	x0, [xesp,#-8]!
  [15476]   0x00007fffee08bd14: b	0x00007fffee08bd34
  [15476]   0x00007fffee08bd34: notify	bcstart
  [15476]   METHOD:   java.lang.Object.<clinit>()V
  [15476]   BYTECODE: 1 astore_0
  [15476]   0x00007fffee08bd38: ldr	x0, [xesp],#8

Program received signal SIGUSR1, User defined signal 1.
AArch64Simulator::doBreak (this=0x7ffff00943c0) at debug.cpp:450

The aconst_null bytecode only requires the one movxz instruction which
places the constant 0 in register x0 (top of stack cache register).
The epilog uses an ldrb to read the next bytecode (updating the
pointer in register rbcp) and then offsets relative to the dispatch
table address in register rdispatch to execute the following

Note that after executing the aconst_null the top of stack value 0 was
cached in x0. The dispatch adddress calculated by the epilog uses
offset 0x700 identifying an template which includes a str to writeback
this value to the top of the expression stack (identified by register
resp). If the previous template had not used the x0 cache then it
woudl have meployed a different offset to pick code which omitted this

We can check the state of registers using the simgreg command

  (gdb) simgreg r0
  warning: Using non-standard conversion to match method AArch64Simulator::simGReg to supplied arguments
    c_rarg0 :                0x0

We can also see the whole register state

  (gdb) simgreg
    c_rarg0 :                0x0	  c_rarg1 :     0x7ffff6f3f388
    c_rarg2 :                0x0	  c_rarg3 :                0x0
    c_rarg4 :     0x7fffee083eb0	  c_rarg5 :     0x7ffff6f3f310
    c_rarg6 :     0x7fff00000000	  c_rarg7 :     0x7ffff000af88
  rscratch1 :               0x4b	rscratch2 :     0x7fffee08bd10
        r10 :     0x7ffff6f3df80	      r11 :                0x0
        r12 :                0x0	      r13 :                0x0
        r14 :                0x0	      r15 :                0x0
        r16 :                0x0	      r17 :                0x0
        r18 :                0x0	      r19 :                0x0
        esp :     0x7ffff6f3ee78	rdispatch :     0x7ffff7d96840
       rbcp :     0x7ffff5fae5f1	  rmethod :     0x7ffff5faedc0
    rlocals :     0x7ffff6f3ef78	rmonitors :                0x0
     rcpool :     0x7ffff605d1b0	rheapbase :                0x0
    rthread :     0x7ffff000af88	      rfp :     0x7ffff6f3eec0
         lr :     0x7fffee07a7ac	       sp :     0x7ffff6f3ee40
       cpsr :               -ZC-	     fpsr :       ------------
         pc :     0x7fffee08bd38

Since we are running Hello let's place a break point at Hello.main

  (gdb) simtrace 0
  simtrace = 0
  (gdb) simstopnew 0
  simstopnew = 0
  (gdb) simbreakbc "Hello.main" 0
  0 :	"Hello.main" 0
  (gdb) c
  [New Thread 0x7ffff5372700 (LWP 15484)]
  [New Thread 0x7ffff5271700 (LWP 15485)]
 [New Thread 0x7ffff5170700 (LWP 15486)]
  [15476]   METHOD:   Hello.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
  [15476]   BYTECODE: 0 getstatic 2 <java/lang/System.out/Ljava/io/PrintStream;> 
  [15476]   0x00007fffee08ff08: ldrh	w3, [xbcp,#1]

  Program received signal SIGUSR1, User defined signal 1.
  [Switching to Thread 0x7ffff6f40700 (LWP 15476)]
  AArch64Simulator::doBreak (this=0x7ffff0094530) at debug.cpp:450

We can look at the stack using command simbt

  (gdb) simbt 1
    0x00007fffee08ff08: ldrh	w3, [xbcp,#1]
         pc :     0x7fffee08ff08	      *pc :         0x784012c3
         sp :     0x7ffff6f3f670	      rfp :     0x7ffff6f3f6e0
         lr :     0x7fffee07a7ac
     status :       STATUS_READY	    error :         ERROR_NONE
  0: Hello.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V:00 0 getstatic 2 <java/lang/System.out/Ljava/io/PrintStream;> 

We can also look at the stack frame contents using simprint

  (gdb) simprint 2
    0x00007fffee08ff08: ldrh	w3, [xbcp,#1]
         pc :     0x7fffee08ff08	      *pc :         0x784012c3
         sp :     0x7ffff6f3f670	      rfp :     0x7ffff6f3f6e0
         lr :     0x7fffee07a7ac
     status :       STATUS_READY	    error :         ERROR_NONE
  0: Hello.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V:00 0 getstatic 2 <java/lang/System.out/Ljava/io/PrintStream;> 
        0x7ffff6f3f670:	    0x7f01f6f3f6b0
        0x7ffff6f3f678:	        0xf005bb48
        0x7ffff6f3f680:	        0xe9c010c0
        0x7ffff6f3f688:	        0xf005bb48
        0x7ffff6f3f690:	    0x7ffff6f3f6b0
        0x7ffff6f3f698:	    0x7ffff6f3fb31
        0x7ffff6f3f6a0:	    0x7ffff6f3f6a0 interpreter_frame_initial_sp
        0x7ffff6f3f6a8:	    0x7ffff62ad340 interpreter_frame_bcx
        0x7ffff6f3f6b0:	    0x7ffff6f3f708 interpreter_frame_locals
        0x7ffff6f3f6b8:	    0x7ffff62ad400 interpreter_frame_cache
        0x7ffff6f3f6c0:	               0x0 interpreter_frame_mdx
        0x7ffff6f3f6c8:	    0x7ffff62ad360 interpreter_frame_method
        0x7ffff6f3f6d0:	               0x0 interpreter_frame_last_sp
        0x7ffff6f3f6d8:	    0x7ffff6f3f708 interpreter_frame_sender_sp
        0x7ffff6f3f6e0:	    0x7ffff6f3f7a0 link
        0x7ffff6f3f6e8:	    0x7fffee07a7ac return pc
  1: <unknown method> 0x7ffff6f3f6e8
        0x7ffff6f3f6f0:	    0x7ffff6f3e710
        0x7ffff6f3f6f8:	    0x7ffff62ad310
        0x7ffff6f3f700:	       0x6f6f3f740
        0x7ffff6f3f708:	        0xf005bb48
        0x7ffff6f3f710:	               0x0
        0x7ffff6f3f718:	               0x0
        0x7ffff6f3f720:	               0x0
        . . .

The frame includes slots where the values cached in registers are
written back. These sit below the area used for the expression stack
and for marshalling call arguments. initial_sp points usually points
to itself, identifying the point where stacked expression values
begin. However in a method which employs synchronization the expression
stack sits on top of a block of monitor objects and initial_sp points
to the top of this block.

Notice that the locals pointer for the current frame points back to a
data area allocated below the frame pointer at the top of the previous
frame. If the method receives N parameter words then the first N
locals slots contain the values stacked before making the call.

Using ARM's Foundation model simulator

Setting up ARM's Foundation model simulator

Full details of how to obtain and set up ARM's Foundation model simulator and
how to to the AArch64 JVM for use on the Foundation model are provided at

The next few sections briefly summarise the steps needed to configure,
compile and run on the Foundation model.

Building for ARM's Foundation model simulator

To configure an ARM Foundation model simulator build execute the following
command in your top-level download (jdk8) directory

  $ bash cross_configure

You need to have a AArch64 Linux root tree installed on your system
and linked as ./sysroot. The script will fail if this is not present.
(Read the error messages or the script for instructions on how to
obtain and install an AArch64 Linux tree).

To build the JVM for execution using ARM's simulator execute the
following command in your top-level download (jdk8) directory

  $ bash cross_compile

After a few cups of coffee you should find that the AArch64 JVM sdk
and jre images have been installed into your sysroot tree (they should
appear as /j2sdk-image and /j2re-image)

Running the JVM using ARM's Foundation model simulator

To exercise the resulting image you have to boot Linux on the
simulator and then at the # prompt type in

  # ./jsdk-image/bin/javac
  # ./j2re-image/bin/java Queens