view src/app/components/auth/basic-auth.service.ts @ 257:f13e9da11350

Port authServices to TypeScript, upgrade for Angular 4 Reviewed-by: jkang Review-thread:
author Andrew Azores <>
date Fri, 20 Oct 2017 16:16:16 -0400
parents src/app/components/auth/basic-auth.service.js@c10369cb53a6
children bdbc30b9f43c
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright 2012-2017 Red Hat, Inc.
 * Thermostat is distributed under the GNU General Public License,
 * version 2 or any later version (with a special exception described
 * below, commonly known as the "Classpath Exception").
 * A copy of GNU General Public License (GPL) is included in this
 * distribution, in the file COPYING.
 * Linking Thermostat code with other modules is making a combined work
 * based on Thermostat.  Thus, the terms and conditions of the GPL
 * cover the whole combination.
 * As a special exception, the copyright holders of Thermostat give you
 * permission to link this code with independent modules to produce an
 * executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent
 * modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under
 * terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
 * independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that
 * module.  An independent module is a module which is not derived from
 * or based on Thermostat code.  If you modify Thermostat, you may
 * extend this exception to your version of the software, but you are
 * not obligated to do so.  If you do not wish to do so, delete this
 * exception statement from your version.

import * as angular from "angular";
import * as url from "url";
import { IAuthService } from "./auth-service.interface";

import { StateService } from "@uirouter/angularjs";

import { LocalStorageService } from "../../shared/services/local-storage.service.js";


export class BasicAuthService implements IAuthService {

  private q: ng.IQService;
  private $state: StateService;
  private localStorage: LocalStorageService;
  private pass: string = null;
  private scope: ng.IRootScopeService;
  private remember: boolean;

  public constructor($injector: {
    this.q = $injector.get("$q");
    this.$state = $injector.get("$state");
    this.localStorage = $injector.get("localStorage");

    this.pass = null;

  public set rootScope(rootScope: ng.IRootScopeService) {
    this.scope = rootScope;

  public status(): boolean {
    return this._sessionIsValid();

  public login(user: string, pass: string, success = angular.noop): void {
    this.pass = pass;
    if (this.remember) {
      this.localStorage.setItem("username", user);

    this.localStorage.setItem("loggedInUser", user);


  public goToLogin(promise: ng.IDeferred<{}>): void {

  public logout(callback = angular.noop): void {
    this.pass = null;



  public refresh(): ng.IPromise<{}> {
    const defer = this.q.defer();
    if (this._sessionIsValid()) {
    } else {
    return defer.promise;

  public get authHeader(): string {
    return "Basic " + btoa(this.username + ":" + this.pass);

  public get username(): string {
    return this.localStorage.getItem("loggedInUser");

  public get rememberedUsername(): string {
    return this.localStorage.getItem("username");

  public getCommandChannelUrl(baseUrl: string): string {
    const parsed = url.parse(baseUrl);
    if (this.username == null && this.pass == null) {
      // no-op
    if (this.username != null && this.pass == null) {
      parsed.auth = this.username;
    if (this.username != null && this.pass != null) {
      parsed.auth = this.username + ":" + this.pass;
    return url.format(parsed);

  public rememberUser(rememberUser: boolean): void {
    this.remember = rememberUser;
    if (!this.remember) {

  private _refreshSession(): void {
    const now = new Date();
    const expiry = new Date(now);
    expiry.setMinutes(now.getMinutes() + SESSION_EXPIRY_MINUTES);
    this.localStorage.setItem("session", expiry);

  private _sessionIsValid(): boolean {
    if (!this.localStorage.hasItem("session")) {
      return false;
    const session = new Date(this.localStorage.getItem("session"));
    const now = new Date();

    return session.getTime() >= now.getTime();
