view sources/jaxp_src/src/com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xsltc/compiler/util/ @ 271:47ef99bcbcb0

6894833: Upgrade jaxp drop source bundle
author andrew
date Wed, 28 Sep 2011 16:49:43 +0100
parents 32e511cf3502
children b68688478d61
line wrap: on
line source

 * reserved comment block
 * Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * $Id:,v 2005/09/15 10:04:47 pvedula Exp $


import java.util.ListResourceBundle;

 * @author Morten Jorgensen
public class ErrorMessages_fr extends ListResourceBundle {

 * XSLTC compile-time error messages.
 * General notes to translators and definitions:
 *   1) XSLTC is the name of the product.  It is an acronym for "XSLT Compiler".
 *      XSLT is an acronym for "XML Stylesheet Language: Transformations".
 *   2) A stylesheet is a description of how to transform an input XML document
 *      into a resultant XML document (or HTML document or text).  The
 *      stylesheet itself is described in the form of an XML document.
 *   3) A template is a component of a stylesheet that is used to match a
 *      particular portion of an input document and specifies the form of the
 *      corresponding portion of the output document.
 *   4) An axis is a particular "dimension" in a tree representation of an XML
 *      document; the nodes in the tree are divided along different axes.
 *      Traversing the "child" axis, for instance, means that the program
 *      would visit each child of a particular node; traversing the "descendant"
 *      axis means that the program would visit the child nodes of a particular
 *      node, their children, and so on until the leaf nodes of the tree are
 *      reached.
 *   5) An iterator is an object that traverses nodes in a tree along a
 *      particular axis, one at a time.
 *   6) An element is a mark-up tag in an XML document; an attribute is a
 *      modifier on the tag.  For example, in <elem attr='val' attr2='val2'>
 *      "elem" is an element name, "attr" and "attr2" are attribute names with
 *      the values "val" and "val2", respectively.
 *   7) A namespace declaration is a special attribute that is used to associate
 *      a prefix with a URI (the namespace).  The meanings of element names and
 *      attribute names that use that prefix are defined with respect to that
 *      namespace.
 *   8) DOM is an acronym for Document Object Model.  It is a tree
 *      representation of an XML document.
 *      SAX is an acronym for the Simple API for XML processing.  It is an API
 *      used inform an XML processor (in this case XSLTC) of the structure and
 *      content of an XML document.
 *      Input to the stylesheet processor can come from an XML parser in the
 *      form of a DOM tree or through the SAX API.
 *   9) DTD is a document type declaration.  It is a way of specifying the
 *      grammar for an XML file, the names and types of elements, attributes,
 *      etc.
 *  10) XPath is a specification that describes a notation for identifying
 *      nodes in a tree-structured representation of an XML document.  An
 *      instance of that notation is referred to as an XPath expression.
 *  11) Translet is an invented term that refers to the class file that contains
 *      the compiled form of a stylesheet.

    // These message should be read from a locale-specific resource bundle
    /** Get the lookup table for error messages.   
     * @return The message lookup table.
    public Object[][] getContents()
      return new Object[][] {
        "Plusieurs feuilles de styles ont \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9finies dans le m\u00eame fichier."},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text is the name of a
         * template.  The same name was used on two different templates in the
         * same stylesheet.
        "Le mod\u00e8le ''{0}'' est d\u00e9j\u00e0 d\u00e9fini dans cette feuille de style."},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text is the name of a
         * template.  A reference to the template name was encountered, but the
         * template is undefined.
        "Le mod\u00e8le ''{0}'' n''est pas d\u00e9fini dans cette feuille de style."},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text is the name of a variable
         * that was defined more than once.
        "La variable ''{0}'' est d\u00e9finie plusieurs fois dans la m\u00eame port\u00e9e."},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text is the name of a variable
         * or parameter.  A reference to the variable or parameter was found,
         * but it was never defined.
        "Variable ou param\u00e8tre ''{0}'' non d\u00e9fini."},

         * Note to translators:  The word "class" here refers to a Java class.
         * Processing the stylesheet required a class to be loaded, but it could
         * not be found.  The substitution text is the name of the class.
        "La classe ''{0}'' est introuvable."},

         * Note to translators:  The word "method" here refers to a Java method.
         * Processing the stylesheet required a reference to the method named by
         * the substitution text, but it could not be found.  "public" is the
         * Java keyword.
        "La m\u00e9thode externe ''{0}'' est introuvable (doit \u00eatre publique)."},

         * Note to translators:  The word "method" here refers to a Java method.
         * Processing the stylesheet required a reference to the method named by
         * the substitution text, but no method with the required types of
         * arguments or return type could be found.
        "Impossible de convertir le type d''argument/de retour dans la m\u00e9thode ''{0}''"},

         * Note to translators:  The file or URI named in the substitution text
         * is missing.
        "Fichier ou URI ''{0}'' introuvable."},

         * Note to translators:  This message is displayed when the URI
         * mentioned in the substitution text is not well-formed syntactically.
        "URI ''{0}'' incorrect."},

         * Note to translators:  The file or URI named in the substitution text
         * exists but could not be opened.
        "Impossible d''ouvrir le fichier ou l''URI ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators: <xsl:stylesheet> and <xsl:transform> are
         * keywords that should not be translated.
        "L''\u00e9l\u00e9ment <xsl:stylesheet> ou <xsl:transform> est attendu."},

         * Note to translators:  The stylesheet contained a reference to a
         * namespace prefix that was undefined.  The value of the substitution
         * text is the name of the prefix.
        "Le pr\u00e9fixe de l''espace de noms ''{0}'' n''est pas d\u00e9clar\u00e9."},

         * Note to translators:  The Java function named in the stylesheet could
         * not be found.
        "Impossible de r\u00e9soudre l''appel \u00e0 la fonction ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text is the name of a
         * function.  A literal string here means a constant string value.
        "L''argument de ''{0}'' doit \u00eatre une cha\u00eene litt\u00e9rale."},

         * Note to translators:  This message indicates there was a syntactic
         * error in the form of an XPath expression.  The substitution text is
         * the expression.
        "Erreur d''analyse de l''expression XPath ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  An element in the stylesheet requires a
         * particular attribute named by the substitution text, but that
         * attribute was not specified in the stylesheet.
        "L''attribut obligatoire ''{0}'' est absent."},

         * Note to translators:  This message indicates that a character not
         * permitted in an XPath expression was encountered.  The substitution
         * text is the offending character.
        "Le caract\u00e8re ''{0}'' est incorrect dans l''expression XPath."},

         * Note to translators:  A processing instruction is a mark-up item in
         * an XML document that request some behaviour of an XML processor.  The
         * form of the name of was invalid in this case, and the substitution
         * text is the name.
        "Le nom ''{0}'' est incorrect dans l''instruction de traitement."},

         * Note to translators:  This message is reported if the stylesheet
         * being processed attempted to construct an XML document with an
         * attribute in a place other than on an element.  The substitution text
         * specifies the name of the attribute.
        "L''attribut ''{0}'' est \u00e0 l''ext\u00e9rieur de l''\u00e9l\u00e9ment."},

         * Note to translators:  An attribute that wasn't recognized was
         * specified on an element in the stylesheet.  The attribute is named
         * by the substitution
         * text.
        "Attribut incorrect ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  "import" and "include" are keywords that should
         * not be translated.  This messages indicates that the stylesheet
         * named in the substitution text imported or included itself either
         * directly or indirectly.
        "import/include circulaire. La feuille de style ''{0}'' est d\u00e9j\u00e0 charg\u00e9e."},

         * Note to translators:  A result-tree fragment is a portion of a
         * resulting XML document represented as a tree.  "<xsl:sort>" is a
         * keyword and should not be translated.
        "Tri impossible des fragments de l''arborescence de r\u00e9sultats (les \u00e9l\u00e9ments <xsl:sort> sont ignor\u00e9s). Vous devez trier les noeuds lors de la cr\u00e9ation de l''arborescence de r\u00e9sultats."},

         * Note to translators:  A name can be given to a particular style to be
         * used to format decimal values.  The substitution text gives the name
         * of such a style for which more than one declaration was encountered.
        "Le formatage d\u00e9cimal ''{0}'' est d\u00e9j\u00e0 d\u00e9fini."},

         * Note to translators:  The stylesheet version named in the
         * substitution text is not supported.
        "La version XSL ''{0}'' n''est pas prise en charge par XSLTC."},

         * Note to translators:  The definitions of one or more variables or
         * parameters depend on one another.
        "R\u00e9f\u00e9rence variable/param\u00e8tre circulaire dans ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The operator in an expresion with two operands was
         * not recognized.
        "Op\u00e9rateur inconnu dans une expression binaire."},

         * Note to translators:  This message is produced if a reference to a
         * function has too many or too few arguments.
        "Argument(s) incorrect(s) pour l''appel de fonction."},

         * Note to translators:  "document()" is the name of function and must
         * not be translated.  A node-set is a set of the nodes in the tree
         * representation of an XML document.
        "Le deuxi\u00e8me argument de la fonction document() doit \u00eatre un ensemble de noeuds."},

         * Note to translators:  "<xsl:when>" and "<xsl:choose>" are keywords
         * and should not be translated.  This message describes a syntax error
         * in the stylesheet.
        "Au moins un \u00e9l\u00e9ment <xsl:when> est requis dans <xsl:choose>."},

         * Note to translators:  "<xsl:otherwise>" and "<xsl:choose>" are
         * keywords and should not be translated.  This message describes a
         * syntax error in the stylesheet.
        "Un seul \u00e9l\u00e9ment <xsl:otherwise> est autoris\u00e9 dans <xsl:choose>."},

         * Note to translators:  "<xsl:otherwise>" and "<xsl:choose>" are
         * keywords and should not be translated.  This message describes a
         * syntax error in the stylesheet.
        "<xsl:otherwise> peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 uniquement dans <xsl:choose>."},

         * Note to translators:  "<xsl:when>" and "<xsl:choose>" are keywords
         * and should not be translated.  This message describes a syntax error
         * in the stylesheet.
        "<xsl:when> peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 uniquement dans <xsl:choose>."},

         * Note to translators:  "<xsl:when>", "<xsl:otherwise>" and
         * "<xsl:choose>" are keywords and should not be translated.  This
         * message describes a syntax error in the stylesheet.
        "Seuls les \u00e9l\u00e9ments <xsl:when> et <xsl:otherwise> sont autoris\u00e9s dans <xsl:choose>."},

         * Note to translators:  "<xsl:attribute-set>" and "name" are keywords
         * that should not be translated.
        "Attribut ''name'' absent de <xsl:attribute-set>."},

         * Note to translators:  An element in the stylesheet contained an
         * element of a type that it was not permitted to contain.
        "El\u00e9ment enfant incorrect."},

         * Note to translators:  The stylesheet tried to create an element with
         * a name that was not a valid XML name.  The substitution text contains
         * the name.
        "Vous ne pouvez pas appeler un \u00e9l\u00e9ment ''{0}''"},

         * Note to translators:  The stylesheet tried to create an attribute
         * with a name that was not a valid XML name.  The substitution text
         * contains the name.
        "Vous ne pouvez pas appeler un attribut ''{0}''"},

         * Note to translators:  The children of the outermost element of a
         * stylesheet are referred to as top-level elements.  No text should
         * occur within that outermost element unless it is within a top-level
         * element.  This message indicates that that constraint was violated.
         * "<xsl:stylesheet>" is a keyword that should not be translated.
        "Donn\u00e9es textuelles \u00e0 l''ext\u00e9rieur de l''\u00e9l\u00e9ment de niveau sup\u00e9rieur <xsl:stylesheet>."},

         * Note to translators:  JAXP is an acronym for the Java API for XML
         * Processing.  This message indicates that the XML parser provided to
         * XSLTC to process the XML input document had a configuration problem.
        "L''analyseur JAXP n''est pas configur\u00e9 correctement"},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text names the internal error
         * encountered.
        "Erreur interne XSLTC irr\u00e9m\u00e9diable : ''{0}''"},

         * Note to translators:  The stylesheet contained an element that was
         * not recognized as part of the XSL syntax.  The substitution text
         * gives the element name.
        "El\u00e9ment XSL non pris en charge ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The stylesheet referred to an extension to the
         * XSL syntax and indicated that it was defined by XSLTC, but XSTLC does
         * not recognized the particular extension named.  The substitution text
         * gives the extension name.
        "Extension XSLTC non reconnue ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The XML document given to XSLTC as a stylesheet
         * was not, in fact, a stylesheet.  XSLTC is able to detect that in this
         * case because the outermost element in the stylesheet has to be
         * declared with respect to the XSL namespace URI, but no declaration
         * for that namespace was seen.
        "Le document de base n''est pas une feuille de style (l''espace de noms XSL n''est pas d\u00e9clar\u00e9 dans l''\u00e9l\u00e9ment root)."},

         * Note to translators:  XSLTC could not find the stylesheet document
         * with the name specified by the substitution text.
        "La feuille de style cible ''{0}'' est introuvable."},

         * Note to translators:  This message represents an internal error in
         * condition in XSLTC.  The substitution text is the class name in XSLTC
         * that is missing some functionality.
        "Non mis en oeuvre : ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The XML document given to XSLTC as a stylesheet
         * was not, in fact, a stylesheet.
        "Le document de base ne contient pas de feuille de style XSL."},

         * Note to translators:  The element named in the substitution text was
         * encountered in the stylesheet but is not recognized.
        "Analyse impossible de l''\u00e9l\u00e9ment ''{0}''"},

         * Note to translators:  "use", "<key>", "node", "node-set", "string"
         * and "number" are keywords in this context and should not be
         * translated.  This message indicates that the value of the "use"
         * attribute was not one of the permitted values.
        "L''attribut use de <key> doit avoir la valeur node, node-set, string ou number."},

         * Note to translators:  An XML document can specify the version of the
         * XML specification to which it adheres.  This message indicates that
         * the version specified for the output document was not valid.
        "La version du document XML de sortie doit \u00eatre 1.0"},

         * Note to translators:  The operator in a comparison operation was
         * not recognized.
        "Op\u00e9rateur inconnu dans une expression relationnelle."},

         * Note to translators:  An attribute set defines as a set of XML
         * attributes that can be added to an element in the output XML document
         * as a group.  This message is reported if the name specified was not
         * used to declare an attribute set.  The substitution text is the name
         * that is in error.
        "Tentative d''utilisation du jeu d''attributs non existant ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The term "attribute value template" is a term
         * defined by XSLT which describes the value of an attribute that is
         * determined by an XPath expression.  The message indicates that the
         * expression was syntactically incorrect; the substitution text
         * contains the expression that was in error.
        "Analyse impossible du mod\u00e8le de valeur d''attribut ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  ???
        "Type de donn\u00e9es inconnu dans la signature de la classe ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text refers to data types.
         * The message is displayed if a value in a particular context needs to
         * be converted to type {1}, but that's not possible for a value of
         * type {0}.
        "Conversion impossible du type de donn\u00e9es ''{0}'' en ''{1}''."},

         * Note to translators:  "Templates" is a Java class name that should
         * not be translated.
        "Cette classe Templates ne contient pas de d\u00e9finition de classe translet valide."},

         * Note to translators:  "Templates" is a Java class name that should
         * not be translated.
        "Cette classe Templates ne contient pas de classe du nom ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text is the name of a class.
        "Chargement impossible de la classe translet ''{0}''."},

        "La classe translet est charg\u00e9e, mais il est impossible de cr\u00e9er une instance translet."},

         * Note to translators:  "ErrorListener" is a Java interface name that
         * should not be translated.  The message indicates that the user tried
         * to set an ErrorListener object on object of the class named in the
         * substitution text with "null" Java value.
        "Tentative de d\u00e9finition de ErrorListener pour ''{0}'' \u00e0 une valeur NULL"},

         * Note to translators:  StreamSource, SAXSource and DOMSource are Java
         * interface names that should not be translated.
        "Seuls StreamSource, SAXSource et DOMSource sont pris en charge par XSLTC"},

         * Note to translators:  "Source" is a Java class name that should not
         * be translated.  The substitution text is the name of Java method.
        "L''objet source transmis \u00e0 ''{0}'' est vide."},

         * Note to translators:  The message indicates that XSLTC failed to
         * compile the stylesheet into a translet (class file).
        "Impossible de compiler la feuille de style"},

         * Note to translators:  "TransformerFactory" is a class name.  In this
         * context, an attribute is a property or setting of the
         * TransformerFactory object.  The substitution text is the name of the
         * unrecognised attribute.  The method used to retrieve the attribute is
         * "getAttribute", so it's not clear whether it would be best to
         * translate the term "attribute".
        "TransformerFactory ne reconna\u00eet pas l''attribut ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  "setResult()" and "startDocument()" are Java
         * method names that should not be translated.
        "setResult() doit \u00eatre appel\u00e9 avant startDocument()."},

         * Note to translators:  "Transformer" is a Java interface name that
         * should not be translated.  A Transformer object should contained a
         * reference to a translet object in order to be used for
         * transformations; this message is produced if that requirement is not
         * met.
        "Transformer ne comporte pas d''objet translet encapsul\u00e9."},

         * Note to translators:  The XML document that results from a
         * transformation needs to be sent to an output handler object; this
         * message is produced if that requirement is not met.
        "Aucun gestionnaire de sortie n''a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9fini pour le r\u00e9sultat de la transformation."},

         * Note to translators:  "Result" is a Java interface name in this
         * context.  The substitution text is a method name.
        "L''objet Result transmis \u00e0 ''{0}'' est incorrect."},

         * Note to translators:  "Transformer" is a Java interface name.  The
         * user's program attempted to access an unrecognized property with the
         * name specified in the substitution text.  The method used to retrieve
         * the property is "getOutputProperty", so it's not clear whether it
         * would be best to translate the term "property".
        "Tentative d''acc\u00e8s \u00e0 une propri\u00e9t\u00e9 Transformer incorrecte ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  SAX2DOM is the name of a Java class that should
         * not be translated.  This is an adapter in the sense that it takes a
         * DOM object and converts it to something that uses the SAX API.
        "Cr\u00e9ation impossible de l''adaptateur SAX2DOM : ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  "" is a Java method name.
         * "systemId" is an XML term that is short for "system identification".
        "Appel de la part de sans d\u00e9finition d''identification du syst\u00e8me."},

        "L''option -i doit \u00eatre utilis\u00e9e avec l''option -o."},

         * Note to translators:  This message contains usage information for a
         * means of invoking XSLTC from the command-line.  The message is
         * formatted for presentation in English.  The strings <output>,
         * <directory>, etc. indicate user-specified argument values, and can
         * be translated - the argument <package> refers to a Java package, so
         * it should be handled in the same way the term is handled for JDK
         * documentation.
        "SYNOPSIS\n   java [-o <sortie>]\n      [-d <r\u00e9pertoire>] [-j <fichier_jar>] [-p <module>]\n      [-n] [-x] [-s] [-u] [-v] [-h] { <stylesheet> | -i }\n\nOPTIONS\n   -o <sortie>    donne le nom<sortie> au translet g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9\n. Par d\u00e9faut, le nom du translet\n                  provient du nom<feuille_de_style>. Cette option\n                  est ignor\u00e9e si plusieurs feuilles de style sont compil\u00e9es.\n   -d <r\u00e9pertoire> sp\u00e9cifie un r\u00e9pertoire de destination pour translet\n   -j <fichier_jar>   rassemble les classes translet dans le fichier \n       <fichier_jar>\n   -p <module>   sp\u00e9cifie un pr\u00e9fixe de nom de module pour toutes les classes\n              translet g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9es.\n   -n             active la mise en ligne de mod\u00e8le (comportement par d\u00e9faut - pr\u00e9f\u00e9rable \n                  on en moyenne).\n   -x             active le d\u00e9bogage suppl\u00e9mentaire de sortie de message\n   -s             d\u00e9sactive l'appel de System.exit\n   -u             interpr\u00e8te les arguments <stylesheet> comme des adresses URL\n   -i             force le compilateur \u00e0 lire la feuille de style dans stdin\n   -v             imprime la version du compilateur\n   -h             imprime cette ligne de syntaxe\n"},

         * Note to translators:  This message contains usage information for a
         * means of invoking XSLTC from the command-line.  The message is
         * formatted for presentation in English.  The strings <jarfile>,
         * <document>, etc. indicate user-specified argument values, and can
         * be translated - the argument <class> refers to a Java class, so it
         * should be handled in the same way the term is handled for JDK
         * documentation.
        "SYNOPSIS \n   java [-j <fichier_jar>]\n      [-x] [-s] [-n <it\u00e9rations>] {-u <url_document> | <document>}\n      <classe> [<param1>=<valeur1> ...]\n\n   utilise la <classe> translet pour transformer le document XML \n  <document>. La <classe> translet se trouve dans la\n   fonction CLASSPATH de l'utilisateur ou dans le <fichier_jar> indiqu\u00e9 en option.\nOPTIONS\n   -j <fichier_jar>    sp\u00e9cifie un fichier jar \u00e0 partir duquel charger translet\n   -x              active le d\u00e9bogage suppl\u00e9mentaire de sortie de message\n   -s              d\u00e9sactive l'appel \u00e0 System.exit\n   -n <it\u00e9rations> ex\u00e9cute la transformation <it\u00e9rations> fois et \n                   affiche des informations de profil\n   -u <url_document> sp\u00e9cifie le document de base XML en tant qu'adresse URL\n"},

         * Note to translators:  "<xsl:sort>", "<xsl:for-each>" and
         * "<xsl:apply-templates>" are keywords that should not be translated.
         * The message indicates that an xsl:sort element must be a child of
         * one of the other kinds of elements mentioned.
        "<xsl:sort> peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 uniquement dans <xsl:for-each> ou <xsl:apply-templates>."},

         * Note to translators:  The message indicates that the encoding
         * requested for the output document was on that requires support that
         * is not available from the Java Virtual Machine being used to execute
         * the program.
        "Le codage de sortie ''{0}'' n''est pas pris en charge dans cette JVM."},

         * Note to translators:  The message indicates that the XPath expression
         * named in the substitution text was not well formed syntactically.
        "Erreur de syntaxe dans ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text is the name of a Java
         * class.  The term "constructor" here is the Java term.  The message is
         * displayed if XSLTC could not find a constructor for the specified
         * class.
        "Constructor externe ''{0}'' introuvable."},

         * Note to translators:  "static" is the Java keyword.  The substitution
         * text is the name of a function.  The first argument of that function
         * is not of the required type.
        "Le premier argument de la fonction Java non static ''{0}'' n''est pas une r\u00e9f\u00e9rence d''objet valide."},

         * Note to translators:  An XPath expression was not of the type
         * required in a particular context.  The substitution text is the
         * expression that was in error.
        "Erreur de contr\u00f4le du type de l''expression ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  An XPath expression was not of the type
         * required in a particular context.  However, the location of the
         * problematic expression is unknown.
        "Erreur de contr\u00f4le du type d''une expression se trouvant dans un emplacement inconnu."},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text is the name of a command-
         * line option that was not recognized.
        "L''option de ligne de commande ''{0}'' n''est pas correcte."},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text is the name of a command-
         * line option.
        "Un argument obligatoire est absent de l''option de ligne de commande ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  This message is used to indicate the severity
         * of another message.  The substitution text contains two error
         * messages.  The spacing before the second substitution text indents
         * it the same amount as the first in English.
        "AVERTISSEMENT :  ''{0}''\n       :{1}"},

         * Note to translators:  This message is used to indicate the severity
         * of another message.  The substitution text is an error message.
        "AVERTISSEMENT :  ''{0}''"},

         * Note to translators:  This message is used to indicate the severity
         * of another message.  The substitution text contains two error
         * messages.  The spacing before the second substitution text indents
         * it the same amount as the first in English.
        "ERREUR BLOQUANTE :  ''{0}''\n           :{1}"},

         * Note to translators:  This message is used to indicate the severity
         * of another message.  The substitution text is an error message.
        "ERREUR BLOQUANTE :  ''{0}''"},

         * Note to translators:  This message is used to indicate the severity
         * of another message.  The substitution text contains two error
         * messages.  The spacing before the second substitution text indents
         * it the same amount as the first in English.
        "ERREUR :  ''{0}''\n     :{1}"},

         * Note to translators:  This message is used to indicate the severity
         * of another message.  The substitution text is an error message.
        "ERREUR :  ''{0}''"},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text is the name of a class.
        "Transformation avec translet ''{0}'' "},

         * Note to translators:  The first substitution is the name of a class,
         * while the second substitution is the name of a jar file.
        "Transformation avec translet ''{0}'' du fichier jar ''{1}''"},

         * Note to translators:  "TransformerFactory" is the name of a Java
         * interface and must not be translated.  The substitution text is
         * the name of the class that could not be instantiated.
        "Cr\u00e9ation impossible d''une instance de la classe TransformerFactory ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The following message is used as a header.
         * All the error messages are collected together and displayed beneath
         * this message.
        "Erreurs de compilation :"},

         * Note to translators:  The following message is used as a header.
         * All the warning messages are collected together and displayed
         * beneath this message.
        "Avertissements de compilation :"},

         * Note to translators:  The following message is used as a header.
         * All the error messages that are produced when the stylesheet is
         * applied to an input document are collected together and displayed
         * beneath this message.  A 'translet' is the compiled form of a
         * stylesheet (see above).
        "Erreurs de translet :"},
        "FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING: Impossible de d\u00e9finir la valeur False pour la fonction lorsque le gestionnaire de s\u00e9curit\u00e9 est pr\u00e9sent."}