view netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/resources/ @ 326:54cbfb3a5469

fixed LRU cache behaviour in case of failure. Tests added
author Jiri Vanek <>
date Wed, 01 Feb 2012 18:46:57 +0100
parents 21183f821dd4
children d5cec52b3c5b
line wrap: on
line source

# Default (English) UI messages for netx
# L=Launcher, B=Boot, P=Parser, C=cache S=security
# General
NullParameter=Null parameter
ButCancel=\ Cancel\ 
ButCopy=Copy to Clipboard
ButMoreInformation=More Information...
ButShowDetails=Show Details
ButHideDetails=Hide Details

AFileOnTheMachine=a file on the machine
AlwaysAllowAction=Always allow this action

Continue=Do you want to continue?

# LS - Severity

# LC - Category 
LCSystem=System Error
LCExternalLaunch=External Launch Error
LCFileFormat=File Format Error
LCReadError=Read Error
LCClient=Application Error
LCLaunching=Launch Error
LCNotSupported=Unsupported Feature
LCInit=Initialization Error
LAllThreadGroup=All JNLP applications
LNullUpdatePolicy=Update policy cannot be null.
LThreadInterrupted=Thread interrupted while waiting for file to launch.
LCouldNotLaunch=Could not launch JNLP file.
LCantRead=Could not read or parse the JNLP file.
LNullLocation=Could not determine .jnlp file location.
LNullLocationInfo=An attempt was made to launch a JNLP file in another JVM, but the file could not be located.  In order to launch in an external JVM, the runtime must be able to locate the .jnlp file either in the local filesystem or on a server.
LNetxJarMissing=Could not determine location of netx.jar.
LNetxJarMissingInfo=An attempt was made to lauch a JNLP file in another JVM, but the netx.jar could not be located.  In order to launch in an external JVM, the runtime must be able to locate the netx.jar file.
LNotToSpec=JNLP file not strictly to spec.
LNotToSpecInfo=The JNLP file contains data that is prohibited by the JNLP specification.  The runtime can attempt to ignore the invalid information and continue launching the file.
LNotApplication=Not an application file.
LNotApplicationInfo=An attempt was made to load a non-application file as an application.
LNotApplet=Not an applet file.
LNotAppletInfo=An attempt was made to load a non-applet file as an applet.
LNoInstallers=Installers not supported.
LNoInstallersInfo=JNLP installer files are not yet supported.
LInitApplet=Could not initialize applet.
LInitApplication=Could not initialize application.
LNotLaunchable=Not a launchable JNLP file.
LNotLaunchableInfo=File must be a JNLP application, applet, or installer type.
LCantDetermineMainClass=Unknown Main-Class.
LCantDetermineMainClassInfo=Could not determine the main class for this application.
LUnsignedJarWithSecurity=Cannot grant permissions to unsigned jars.
LUnsignedJarWithSecurityInfo=Application requested security permissions, but jars are not signed.
LSignedAppJarUsingUnsignedJar=Signed application using unsigned jars.
LSignedAppJarUsingUnsignedJarInfo=The main application jar is signed, but some of the jars it is using aren't.
LSignedJNLPFileDidNotMatch=The signed JNLP file did not match the launching JNLP file.

JNotApplet=File is not an applet.
JNotApplication=File is not an application.
JNotComponent=File is not a component.
JNotInstaller=File is not an installer.
JInvalidExtensionDescriptor=Extension does not refer to a component or installer (name={1}, location={2}).

LNotVerified=Jars not verified.
LCancelOnUserRequest=Canceled on user request.
LFatalVerification=A fatal error occurred while trying to verify jars.

LNotVerifiedDialog=Not all jars could be verified.
LAskToContinue=Would you still like to continue running this application?

# Parser
PInvalidRoot=Root node is not a jnlp node
PNoResources=No resources section defined
PUntrustedNative=nativelib element cannot be specified unless a trusted environment is requested.
PExtensionHasJ2SE=j2se element cannot be specified in a component extension file.
PInnerJ2SE=j2se element cannot be specified within a j2se element.
PTwoMains=Duplicate main JAR defined in a resources element (there can be only one)
PNativeHasMain=Cannot specify main attribute on native JARs.
PNoInfoElement=No information section defined
PTwoDescriptions=Duplicate description of kind {0}
PSharing=Element "sharing-allowed" is illegal in a standard JNLP file
PTwoSecurity=Only one security element allowed per JNLPFile.
PEmptySecurity=Security element specified but does not contain a permissions element.
PTwoDescriptors=Only one application descriptor element allowed per JNLPFile.
PTwoDesktops=Only one desktop element allowed
PTwoMenus=Only one menu element allowed
PTwoTitles=Only one title element allowed
PTwoIcons=Only one icon element allowed
PTwoUpdates=Only one update element is allowed
PUnknownApplet=Unknown Applet
PBadWidth=Invalid applet width.
PBadHeight=Invalid applet height.
PUrlNotInCodebase=Relative URL does not specify a subdirectory of the codebase. (node={0}, href={1}, base={2})
PBadRelativeUrl=Invalid relative URL (node={0}, href={1}, base={2})
PBadNonrelativeUrl=Invalid non-relative URL (node={0}, href={0}).
PNeedsAttribute=The {0} element must specify a {1} attribute.
PBadXML=Invalid XML document syntax.
PBadHeapSize=Invalid value for heap size ({0})

# Runtime
BLaunchAbout=Launching about window...
BNeedsFile=Must specify a .jnlp file
RNoAboutJnlp=Unable to find about.jnlp
BFileLoc=JNLP file location
BBadProp=Incorrect property format {0} (should be key=value)
BBadParam=Incorrect parameter format {0} (should be name=value)
BNoDir=Directory {0} does not exist.
RNoResource=Missing Resource: {0}
RShutdown=This exception to prevent shutdown of JVM, but the process has been terminated.
RExitTaken=Exit class already set and caller is not exit class.
RCantReplaceSM=Changing the SecurityManager is not allowed.
RCantCreateFile=Cant create file {0}
RCantDeleteFile=Cant delete file {0}
RRemoveRPermFailed=Removing read permission on file {0} failed
RRemoveWPermFailed=Removing write permissions on file {0} failed
RRemoveXPermFailed=Removing execute permissions on file {0} failed
RGetRPermFailed=Acquiring read permissions on file {0} failed
RGetWPermFailed=Acquiring write permissions on file {0} failed
RGetXPermFailed=Acquiring execute permissions on file {0} failed
RCantCreateDir=Cant create directory {0}
RCantRename=Cant rename {0} to {1}
RDenyStopped=Stopped applications have no permissions.
RExitNoApp=Can not exit the JVM because the current application cannot be determined.
RNoLockDir=Unable to create locks directory ({0})
RNestedJarExtration=Unable to extract nested jar.
RUnexpected=Unexpected {0} at {1}
RConfigurationError=Fatal error while reading the configuration
RConfigurationFatal=ERROR: a fatal error has occurred while loading configuration. Perhaps a global configuration was required but could not be found
RPRoxyPacNotSupported=Using Proxy Auto Config (PAC) files is not supported.
RProxyFirefoxNotFound=Unable to use Firefox's proxy settings. Using "DIRECT" as proxy type.
RProxyFirefoxOptionNotImplemented=Browser proxy option "{0}" ({1}) not supported yet.
RBrowserLocationPromptTitle=Browser Location
RBrowserLocationPromptMessage=Specify Browser Location
RBrowserLocationPromptMessageWithReason=Specify Browser Location (the browser command "{0}" is invalid).

# Boot options, message should be shorter than this ---------------->
BOUsage=javaws [-run-options] <jnlp file>
BOUsage2=javaws [-control-options]
BOJnlp      = Location of JNLP file to launch (url or file).
BOArg       = Adds an application argument before launching.
BOParam     = Adds an applet parameter before launching.
BOProperty  = Sets a system property before launching.
BOUpdate    = Update check if seconds since last checked.
BOLicense   = Display the GPL license and exit.
BOVerbose   = Enable verbose output.
BOAbout     = Shows a sample application.
BONosecurity= Disables the secure runtime environment.
BONoupdate  = Disables checking for updates.
BOHeadless  = Disables download window, other UIs.
BOStrict    = Enables strict checking of JNLP file format.
BOViewer    = Shows the trusted certificate viewer.
BXnofork    = Do not create another JVM.
BXclearcache= Clean the JNLP application cache.
BOHelp      = Print this message and exit.

# Cache
CAutoGen=automatically generated - do not edit
CNotCacheable={0} is not a cacheable resource
CChooseCache=Choose a cache directory...
CChooseCacheInfo=Netx needs a location for storing cache files.
CChooseCacheDir=Cache directory
CCannotClearCache=Can not clear cache at this time
CFakeCache=Cache is corrupt. Disabling.
CFakedCache=Cache is corrupt and has been disabled. It is strongly recommended that you run 'javaws -Xclearcache' and rerun your application as soon as possible.
CStillCorupted=Cache is still corrupt, clearing it.
CCleaningUnsuccessful=Unable to clear cache due to running javaws instance. Please try to shut down all instances of javaws, run 'javaws -Xclearcache', and rerun your jnlp file
CClearedReloading=Cache cleared, re-loading.
CReloadRestarting=Cache re-loaded and application re-starting. It is strongly recommended that you run 'javaws -Xclearcache' and re-run your application as soon as possible.
CStillBroken=Unable to fix corrupt cache. Please shutdown all javaws instances, run 'javaws -Xclearcache', and re-start your application.

# Security
SFileReadAccess=The application has requested read access to {0}. Do you want to allow this action?
SFileWriteAccess=The application has requested write access to {0}. Do you want to allow this action?
SDesktopShortcut=The application has requested permission to create a desktop launcher. Do you want to allow this action?
SSigUnverified=The application's digital signature cannot be verified. Do you want to run the application?
SSigVerified=The application's digital signature has been verified. Do you want to run the application?
SSignatureError=The application's digital signature has an error. Do you want to run the application?
SUntrustedSource=The digital signature could not be verified by a trusted source. Only run if you trust the origin of the application.
STrustedSource=The digital signature has been validated by a trusted source.
SClipboardReadAccess=The application has requested read-only access to the system clipboard. Do you want to allow this action?
SClipboardWriteAccess=The application has requested write-only access to the system clipboard. Do you want to allow this action?
SPrinterAccess=The application has requested printer access. Do you want to allow this action?
SNetworkAccess=The application has requested permission to establish connections to {0}. Do you want to allow this action?
SNoAssociatedCertificate=<no associated certificate>
SAlwaysTrustPublisher=Always trust content from this publisher
SHttpsUnverified=The website's certificate cannot be verified.
SNotAllSignedSummary=Only parts of this application code are signed.
SNotAllSignedDetail=This application contains both signed and unsigned code. While signed code is safe if you trust the provider, unsigned code may imply code outside of the trusted provider's control.
SNotAllSignedQuestion=Do you wish to proceed and run this application anyway?
SAuthenticationPrompt=The {0} server at {1} is requesting authentication. It says "{2}"
SJNLPFileIsNotSigned=This application contains a digital signature in which the launching JNLP file is not signed.

# Security - used for the More Information dialog
SBadKeyUsage=Resources contain entries whose signer certificate's KeyUsage extension doesn't allow code signing.
SBadExtendedKeyUsage=Resources contain entries whose signer certificate's ExtendedKeyUsage extension doesn't allow code signing.
SBadNetscapeCertType=Resources contain entries whose signer certificate's NetscapeCertType extension doesn't allow code signing.
SHasUnsignedEntry=Resources contain unsigned entries which have not been integrity-checked.
SHasExpiredCert=The digital signature has expired.
SHasExpiringCert=Resources contain entries whose signer certificate will expire within six months.
SNotYetValidCert=Resources contain entries whose signer certificate is not yet valid.
SUntrustedCertificate=The digital signature was generated with an untrusted certificate.
STrustedCertificate=The digital signature was generated with a trusted certificate.
SCNMisMatch=The expected hostname for this certificate is: "{0}"<BR>The address being connected to is: "{1}"
SRunWithoutRestrictions=This application will be run without the security restrictions normally provided by java.
SCertificateDetails=Certificate Details

# Security - certificate information
SMD5Fingerprint=MD5 Fingerprint
SSHA1Fingerprint=SHA1 Fingerprint
SSignatureAlgorithm=Signature Algorithm

# Certificate Viewer
CVCertificateType=Certificate Type
CVExportPasswordMessage=Enter password to protect key file:
CVImportPasswordMessage=Enter password to access file:
CVIssuedBy=Issued By
CVIssuedTo=Issued To
CVPasswordTitle=Authentication Required
CVRemoveConfirmMessage=Are you sure you want to remove the selected certificate?
CVRemoveConfirmTitle=Confirmation - Remove Certificate?

#KeyStores: see
KSCerts=Trusted Certificates
KSJsseCerts=Trusted JSSE Certificates
KSCaCerts=Trusted Root CA Certificates
KSJsseCaCerts=Trusted JSSE Root CA Certificates,
KSClientCerts=Client Authentication Certificates

# Deployment Configuration messages
DCIncorrectValue=Property "{0}" has incorrect value "{1}". Possible values {2}.
DCInternal=Internal error: {0}
DCUnknownSettingWithName=Property "{0}" is unknown.

# Value Validator messages. Messages should follow "Possible values ..." 
VVPossibleValues=Possible values {0}
VVPossibleBooleanValues=are {0} or {1}
VVPossibleFileValues=include the absolute location of a file - it must begin with a /
VVPossibleRangedIntegerValues=are in range {0} to {1} (inclusive)
VVPossibleUrlValues=include any valid url (eg

# Control Panel - Main
CPMainDescriptionShort=Configure IcedTea-Web
CPMainDescriptionLong=Configure how the browser plugin (IcedTeaNPPlugin) and javaws (NetX) work

# Control Panel - Tab Descriptions
CPAboutDescription=View version information about Icedtea Control Panel.
CPNetworkSettingsDescription=Configure network settings, including how IcedTea-Web connects to the internet and whether to use any proxies.
CPTempInternetFilesDescription=Java stores application data for faster execution the next time you run it.
CPJRESettingsDescription=View and manage Java Runtime Environment versions and settings for Java applications and applets.
CPCertificatesDescription=Use certificates to positively identify yourself, certifications, authorities, and plublishers.
CPSecurityDescription=Use this to configure security settings.
CPDebuggingDescription=Enable options here to help with debugging
CPDesktopIntegrationDescription=Set whether or not to allow creation of desktop shortcut.

# Control Panel - Buttons
CPButNetworkSettings=Network Settings...

# Control Panel - Headers
CPHead=IcedTea Web Control Panel
CPHeadNetworkSettings=Network Proxy Settings
CPHeadTempInternetFiles=Temporary Internet Files
CPHeadJRESettings=Java Runtime Environment Settings
CPHeadDebugging=Debugging Settings
CPHeadDesktopIntegration=Desktop Integrations
CPHeadSecurity=Security Settings

# Control Panel - Tabs
CPTabAbout=About IcedTea-Web
CPTabClassLoader=Class Loaders
CPTabDesktopIntegration=Desktop Integration

# Control Panel - AboutPanel
CPAboutInfo=This is the control panel for setting<br/>Not all options will take effect until implemented.<br/>The use of multiple JREs is currently unsupported.<br/>

# Control Panel - AdvancedProxySettings
APSDialogTitle=Network Settings
APSProxyAddressLabel=Proxy Address
APSProxyPortLabel=Proxy Port
APSSameProxyForAllProtocols=Use the same proxy server for all protocols.
APSExceptionsDescription=Do not use proxy server for addresses beginning with
APSExceptionInstruction=Separate each entry with a semicolon.

# Control Panel - DebugginPanel
DPEnableTracing=Enable tracing
DPEnableLogging=Enable logging
DPHide=Hide on startup
DPShow=Show on startup
DPJavaConsole=Java Console

# Control Panel - DesktopShortcutPanel
DSPNeverCreate=Never create
DSPAlwaysAllow=Always allow
DSPAskUser=Ask user
DSPAskIfHinted=Ask if hinted
DSPAlwaysIfHinted=Always if hinted

# Control Panel - NetworkSettingsPanel
NSDescription-1=Unknown Setting.
NSDescription0=Use direct connection.
NSDescription1=Override browser proxy settings.
NSDescription2=Use automatic proxy configuration script at the specified location.
NSDescription3=Use proxy settings from your default browser to connect to the internet.
NSBypassLocal=Bypass proxy server for local addresses
NSDirectConnection=Direct connection
NSManualProxy=Manual proxy server
NSAutoProxy=Automatic proxy configuration script
NSBrowserProxy=Use browser settings
NSScriptLocation=Script location

# Control Panel - SecurityGeneralPanel
SGPAllowUserGrantSigned=Allow users to grant permissions to signed content 
SGPAllowUserGrantUntrust=Allow users to grant permissions to content from an untrusted authority 
SGPUseBrowserKeystore=Use certificates and keys in browser keystore (Unsupported)
SGPUsePersonalCertOneMatch=Use personal certificate automatically if only one matches server request (Unsupported)
SGPWarnCertHostMismatch=Warn if site certificate does not match hostname  
SGPShowValid=Show site certificate even if it is valid (Unsupported)
SGPShowSandboxWarning=Show sandbox warning banner 
SGPAllowUserAcceptJNLPSecurityRequests=Allow user to accept JNLP security requests 
SGPCheckCertRevocationList=Check certificates for revocation using Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) (Unsupported)
SGPEnableOnlineCertValidate=Enable online certificate validation (Unsupported)
SGPEnableTrustedPublisherList=Enable list of trusted publishers (Unsupported)
SGPEnableBlacklistRevocation=Enable blacklist revocation check (Unsupported)
SGPEnableCachingPassword=Enable caching password for authentication (Unsupported)
SGPUseSSL2=Use SSL 2.0 compatible ClientHello format (Unsupported)
SGPUseSSL3=Use SSL 3.0 (Unsupported)
SGPUseTLS1=Use TLS 1.0 (Unsupported)

# Control Panel - TemporaryInternetFilesPanel
TIFPEnableCache=Keep temporary files on my computer
TIFPLocationLabel=Select the location where temporary files are kept
TIFPDiskSpace=Disk space
TIFPCompressionLevel=Select the compression level for JAR files
TIFPCacheSize=Set the amount of disk space for storing temporary files
TIFPDeleteFiles=Delete files
TIFPViewFiles=View files...

# Control Panel - Cache Viewer
CVCPDialogTitle=Cache Viewer
CVCPColLastModified=Last Modified
CVCPColSize=Size (Bytes)

# Control Panel - Misc.
CPJRESupport=IcedTea-Web currently does not support the use of multiple JREs.
CPInvalidPort=Invalid port number given.\n[Valid port numbers are 1-65535]
CPInvalidPortTitle=Error on input.

# command line control panel
CLNoInfo=No information avaiable (is this a valid option?).
CLValue=Value: {0}
CLValueSource=Source: {0}
CLDescription=Description: {0}
CLUnknownCommand=Unknown command {0}
CLUnknownProperty=Unknown property-name "{0}"
CLWarningUnknownProperty=WARNING: Unknown property name "{0}" - creating new property
CLNoIssuesFound=No issues found.
CLIncorrectValue=Property "{0}" has incorrect value "{1}". Possible values {2}.
CLListDescription=Shows a list of all property names and values that are in use by IcedTea-Web
CLGetDescription=Shows the value for property-name
CLSetDescription=Sets the property-name to value if possible. The value is checked for being valid. If the administrator has locked the property, this will have no effect
CLResetDescription=Resets the value for property-name to it\'s default value
CLInfoDescription=Shows more information about the given property
CLCheckDescription=Shows any properties that have been defined but are not recognized by IcedTea Web
CLHelpDescription=The itweb-settings tool allows a user to modify, view and check configuration. \nTo use the GUI, do not pass any arguments. To use the CLI mode, pass in the approrpiate command and parameters. For help with a particular command, try: {0} command help