view agent/src/heapstats-engines/snapShotContainer.hpp @ 258:9a13d070bb77

Bug 3511: Migrate to Intel TBB Reviewed-by: ykubota
author Yasumasa Suenaga <>
date Fri, 19 Jan 2018 14:06:27 +0900
parents aba6d9899517
children 07a69089c840
line wrap: on
line source

 * \file snapshotContainer.hpp
 * \brief This file is used to add up using size every class.
 * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.


#include <tbb/concurrent_hash_map.h>
#include <tbb/concurrent_queue.h>

#include <algorithm>

#include "jvmInfo.hpp"
#include "oopUtil.hpp"
#include "classContainer.hpp"

#include "arch/x86/lock.inline.hpp"
#include "arch/arm/lock.inline.hpp"

/* Magic number macro. */

 * \brief Magic number of snapshot file format.<br />
 *        49 ... HeapStats 1.0 format.<br />
 *        61 ... HeapStats 1.1 format.<br />
 *   Extended magic number is represented as logical or.
 *   Meanings of each field are as below:
 *     0b10000000: This SnapShot is 2.0 format.
 *                 It contains snapshot and metaspace data.
 *     0b00000001: This SnapShot contains reference data.
 *     0b00000010: This SnapShot contains safepoint time.
 *       Other fields (bit 2 - 6) are reserved.
 * \warning Don't change output snapshot format, if you change this value.
#define EXTENDED_SNAPSHOT         0x80  // 0b10000000
#define EXTENDED_REFTREE_SNAPSHOT 0x81  // 0b10000001
#define EXTENDED_SAFEPOINT_TIME   0x82  // 0b10000010

 * \brief This structure stored class size and number of class-instance.
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct {
  jlong count;      /*!< Class instance count. */
  jlong total_size; /*!< Class total use size. */
} TObjectCounter;

 * \brief This structure stored child class size information.
struct TChildClassCounter {
  TObjectCounter *counter;  /*!< Java inner class object. */
  TObjectData *objData;     /*!< Class information.       */
  TChildClassCounter *next; /*!< Pointer of next object.  */

 * \brief This structure stored class and children class size information.
typedef struct {
  TObjectCounter *counter;   /*!< Java inner class object.  */
  TChildClassCounter *child; /*!< Child class informations. */
  volatile int spinlock;     /*!< Spin lock object.         */
  TOopMapBlock *offsets;     /*!< Offset list.              */
  int offsetCount;           /*!< Count of offset list.     */
} TClassCounter;

 * \brief This structure stored snapshot information.
typedef struct {
  char magicNumber;        /*!< Magic number for format.              */
  char byteOrderMark;      /*!< Express byte order.                   */
  jlong snapShotTime;      /*!< Datetime of take snapshot.            */
  jlong size;              /*!< Class entries count.                  */
  jint cause;              /*!< Cause of snapshot.                    */
  jlong gcCauseLen;        /*!< Length of GC cause.                   */
  char gcCause[80];        /*!< String about GC casue.                */
  jlong FGCCount;          /*!< Full-GC count.                        */
  jlong YGCCount;          /*!< Young-GC count.                       */
  jlong gcWorktime;        /*!< GC worktime.                          */
  jlong newAreaSize;       /*!< New area using size.                  */
  jlong oldAreaSize;       /*!< Old area using size.                  */
  jlong totalHeapSize;     /*!< Total heap size.                      */
  jlong metaspaceUsage;    /*!< Usage of PermGen or Metaspace.        */
  jlong metaspaceCapacity; /*!< Max capacity of PermGen or Metaspace. */
  jlong safepointTime;     /*!< Safepoint time in milliseconds.       */
} TSnapShotFileHeader;
#pragma pack(pop)

 * \brief This class is stored class object usage on heap.
class TSnapShotContainer;

 * \brief Type is for map of storing object counters.
typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<TObjectData *, TClassCounter *,
                                 TPointerHasher<TObjectData *> > TSizeMap;

 * \brief Container of active snapshot list.
typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<TSnapShotContainer *, int> TActiveSnapShots;

typedef std::pair<TClassCounter *, PKlassOop> TChildrenMapKey;

typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map
                           <TChildrenMapKey, TChildClassCounter *> TChildrenMap;

 * \brief Snapshot container instance stock queue.
typedef tbb::concurrent_queue<TSnapShotContainer *> TSnapShotQueue;

 * \brief This class is stored class object usage on heap.
class TSnapShotContainer {
   * \brief Initialize snapshot caontainer class.
   * \return Is process succeed.
   * \warning Please call only once from main thread.
  static bool globalInitialize(void);
   * \brief Finalize snapshot caontainer class.
   * \warning Please call only once from main thread.
  static void globalFinalize(void);

   * \brief Get snapshot container instance.
   * \return Snapshot container instance.
   * \warning Don't deallocate instance getting by this function.<br>
   *          Please call "releaseInstance" method.
  static TSnapShotContainer *getInstance(void);
   * \brief Release snapshot container instance..
   * \param instance [in] Snapshot container instance.
   * \warning Don't access instance after called this function.
  static void releaseInstance(TSnapShotContainer *instance);

   * \brief Get class entries count.
   * \return Entries count of class information.
  inline size_t getContainerSize(void) { return this->_header.size; }

   * \brief Set time of take snapshot.
   * \param t [in] Datetime of take snapshot.
  inline void setSnapShotTime(jlong t) { this->_header.snapShotTime = t; }

   * \brief Set snapshot cause.
   * \param cause [in] Cause of snapshot.
  inline void setSnapShotCause(TInvokeCause cause) {
    this->_header.cause = cause;

   * \brief Set total size of Java Heap.
   * \param size [in] Total size of Java Heap.
  inline void setTotalSize(jlong size) { this->_header.totalHeapSize = size; }

   * \brief Set JVM performance info to header.
   * \param info [in] JVM running performance information.
  void setJvmInfo(TJvmInfo *info);

   * \brief Get snapshot header.
   * \return Snapshot header.
  inline TSnapShotFileHeader *getHeader(void) {
    return (TSnapShotFileHeader *)&this->_header;

   * \brief Increment instance count and using size atomically.
   * \param counter [in] Increment target class.
   * \param size    [in] Increment object size.
  void Inc(TObjectCounter *counter, jlong size);

   * \brief Increment instance count and using size without lock.
   * \param counter [in] Increment target class.
   * \param size    [in] Increment object size.
  inline void FastInc(TObjectCounter *counter, jlong size) {
    counter->total_size += size;

   * \brief Increment instance count and using size.
   * \param counter [in] Increment target class.
   * \param operand [in] Right-hand operand (SRC operand).
   *                     This value must be aligned 16bytes.
  void addInc(TObjectCounter *counter, TObjectCounter *operand);

   * \brief Find class data.
   * \param objData [in] Class key object.
   * \return Found class data.
   *         Value is null, if class is not found.
  inline TClassCounter *findClass(TObjectData *objData) {
    TSizeMap::const_accessor acc;
    return counterMap.find(acc, objData) ? acc->second : NULL;

   * \brief Find child class data.
   * \param clsCounter [in] Parent class counter object.
   * \param klassOop   [in] Child class key object.
   * \return Found class data.
   *         Value is null, if class is not found.
  inline TChildClassCounter *findChildClass(TClassCounter *clsCounter,
                                            PKlassOop klassOop) {
    TChildrenMapKey key = std::make_pair(clsCounter, klassOop);
    TChildrenMap::const_accessor acc;
    return childrenMap.find(acc, key) ? acc->second : NULL;

   * \brief Append new-class to container.
   * \param objData [in] New-class key object.
   * \return New-class data.
  virtual TClassCounter *pushNewClass(TObjectData *objData);

   * \brief Append new-child-class to container.
   * \param clsCounter [in] Parent class counter object.
   * \param objData    [in] New-child-class key object.
   * \return New-class data.
  virtual TChildClassCounter *pushNewChildClass(TClassCounter *clsCounter,
                                                TObjectData *objData);

   * \brief Output GC statistics information.
  void printGCInfo(void);

   * \brief Clear snapshot data.
  void clear(bool isForce);

   * \brief Set "isCleared" flag.
  inline void setIsCleared(bool flag) { this->isCleared = flag; }

   * \brief Remove unloaded TObjectData in this snapshot container.
   *        This function should be called at safepoint.
   * \param unloadedList Set of unloaded TObjectData.
  void removeObjectData(TClassInfoSet &unloadedList);

   * \brief Remove unloaded TObjectData all active snapshot container.
   * \param unloadedList Set of unloaded TObjectData.
  static void removeObjectDataFromAllSnapShots(TClassInfoSet &unloadedList);

   * \brief TSnapshotContainer constructor.
   * \brief TSnapshotContainer destructor.
  virtual ~TSnapShotContainer(void);

   * \brief Zero clear to TObjectCounter.
   * \param counter TObjectCounter to clear.
  void clearObjectCounter(TObjectCounter *counter);

   * \brief Zero clear to TClassCounter.
   * \param counter TClassCounter to clear.
  void clearClassCounter(TClassCounter *counter);

   * \brief Zero clear to TClassCounter and its children counter.
   * \param counter TClassCounter to clear.
  void clearChildClassCounters(TClassCounter *counter);

   * \brief Snapshot container instance stock queue.
  static TSnapShotQueue *stockQueue;

   * \brief Max limit count of snapshot container instance.
  const static unsigned int MAX_STOCK_COUNT = 2;

   * \brief Map for TClassCounter.
  TSizeMap counterMap;

   * \brief Map for TChildClassCounter.
  TChildrenMap childrenMap;


   * \brief Snapshot header.
  volatile TSnapShotFileHeader _header;

   * \brief Is this container is cleared ?
  volatile bool isCleared;

   * \brief Set of active TSnapShotContainer set
  static TActiveSnapShots activeSnapShots;

/* Include optimized inline functions. */
#include "arch/x86/snapShotContainer.inline.hpp"
#include "arch/arm/snapShotContainer.inline.hpp"

#ifdef AVX
#include "arch/x86/avx/snapShotContainer.inline.hpp"
#elif defined SSE4
#include "arch/x86/sse4/snapShotContainer.inline.hpp"
#elif defined SSE2 || defined SSE3
#include "arch/x86/sse2/snapShotContainer.inline.hpp"
#elif defined NEON
#include "arch/arm/neon/snapShotContainer.inline.hpp"

 * \brief Increment instance count and using size.
 * \param counter [in] Increment target class.
 * \param operand [in] Right-hand operand (SRC operand).
 *                     This value must be aligned 16bytes.
inline void TSnapShotContainer::addInc(TObjectCounter *counter,
                                       TObjectCounter *operand) {
  counter->count += operand->count;
  counter->total_size += operand->total_size;

 * \brief Zero clear to TObjectCounter.
 * \param counter TObjectCounter to clear.
inline void TSnapShotContainer::clearObjectCounter(TObjectCounter *counter) {
  counter->count = 0;
  counter->total_size = 0;

 * \brief Zero clear to TClassCounter and its children counter.
 * \param counter TClassCounter to clear.
inline void TSnapShotContainer::clearChildClassCounters(
    TClassCounter *counter) {
  /* Reset counter of children class. */
  TChildClassCounter *child_counter = counter->child;
  while (child_counter != NULL) {
    child_counter->counter->count = 0;
    child_counter->counter->total_size = 0;

    child_counter = child_counter->next;

  /* Reset counter of all class. */
