view INSTALL @ 258:9a13d070bb77

Bug 3511: Migrate to Intel TBB Reviewed-by: ykubota
author Yasumasa Suenaga <>
date Fri, 19 Jan 2018 14:06:27 +0900
parents 763d2b1cce8e
line wrap: on
line source

                                 HOW TO INSTALL

1. Pre-Requirements

    - Java SE 6 or later
    - Maven2 or later
    - Ant 1.8 or later
    - pcre-devel 6 or later
    - net-snmp-devel 5.3 or later
    - binutils 2 or later
    - Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks (TBB)
        * If you compile the agent for Raspberry Pi 2, you have to install
          libtbb2 and libtbb-dev in official Debian repository.

    - Java SE 8 or later
    - JavaFX 8 or later
    - Maven2 or later

2. How to build

  (1) run configure with path to JDK 8

       $ ./configure --with-jdk=/path/to/JDK8

      *HINT* HeapStats Analyzer requires JavaFX 8.
             OpenJDK does not provide JavaFX. Open source JavaFX is OpenJFX.
             If you have not installed OpenJFX, You have to pass OracleJDK8.

  (2) run make
       $ make

      *HINT* If your machine does not have JavaFX (OpenJFX or OracleJDK),
             you can avoid to build HeapStats Analyzer as below:

               $ make agent  <- build HeapStats agent
               $ make mbean  <- build HeapStats MBean
               $ mvn -am -pl analyzer/cli package  <- build HeapStats CLI

  configure script provides several useful options.
  If you want to know them, please run "./configure --help" .

3. How to install

  run make install
    $ su -
    # cd /path/to/source
    # make install

4. How to rpmbuild

  SPEC for rpmbuild is located at specs/heapstats.spec .
  This SPEC can build two RPMs:

    * heapstats:     HeapStats agent and MBean.
    * heapstats-cli: HeapStats CLI.