view hotspot/src/cpu/mips/vm/nativeInst_mips.hpp @ 23:388ae1bd0bdd

Fix 2 bugs related to patching and make some codes more readable. 1. In MIPS, oops-table used by relocating must be updated accordingly when patching. 2. Allocate enough space for patching. 3. Make NativeInstructions more readable. NativeCall's size is 16 bytes instead of 12. If 12 is used, we must fix it by adding 4 explicitly.
author YANG Yongqiang <>
date Thu, 04 Nov 2010 11:15:53 +0800
parents 3713353e23db
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright 1997-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * Copyright 2010 Lemote, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
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 * have any questions.

// We have interfaces for the following instructions:
// - NativeInstruction
// - - NativeCall
// - - NativeMovConstReg
// - - NativeMovConstRegPatching
// - - NativeMovRegMem
// - - NativeMovRegMemPatching
// - - NativeJump
// - - NativeIllegalOpCode
// - - NativeGeneralJump
// - - NativeReturn
// - - NativeReturnX (return with argument)
// - - NativePushConst
// - - NativeTstRegMem

// The base class for different kinds of native instruction abstractions.
// Provides the primitive operations to manipulate code relative to this.

class NativeInstruction VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
  friend class Relocation;

  enum mips_specific_constants {
    nop_instruction_code        =    0,	//sll zero, zero, zero
    nop_instruction_size        =    4

  bool is_nop()                        { return long_at(0) == nop_instruction_code; }
  bool is_dtrace_trap();
  inline bool is_call();
  inline bool is_illegal();
  inline bool is_return();
  inline bool is_jump();
  inline bool is_cond_jump();
  inline bool is_safepoint_poll();
	//mips has no instruction to generate a illegal instrucion exception
	//we define ours: break 11 
	static int illegal_instruction();
	bool is_int_branch();
	bool is_float_branch();

  address addr_at(int offset) const    { return address(this) + offset; }
  address instruction_address() const       { return addr_at(0); }
  address next_instruction_address() const  { return addr_at(BytesPerInstWord); }
  address prev_instruction_address() const	{ return addr_at(-BytesPerInstWord); }
  s_char sbyte_at(int offset) const    { return *(s_char*) addr_at(offset); }
  u_char ubyte_at(int offset) const    { return *(u_char*) addr_at(offset); }
  jint int_at(int offset) const         { return *(jint*) addr_at(offset); }
  intptr_t ptr_at(int offset) const    { return *(intptr_t*) addr_at(offset); }
  oop  oop_at (int offset) const       { return *(oop*) addr_at(offset); }
  int  long_at(int offset) const       { return *(jint*)addr_at(offset); }

  void set_char_at(int offset, char c)        { *addr_at(offset) = (u_char)c; wrote(offset); }
  void set_int_at(int offset, jint  i)        { *(jint*)addr_at(offset) = i;  wrote(offset); }
  void set_ptr_at (int offset, intptr_t  ptr) { *(intptr_t*) addr_at(offset) = ptr;  wrote(offset); }
  void set_oop_at (int offset, oop  o)        { *(oop*) addr_at(offset) = o;  wrote(offset); }
  void set_long_at(int offset, int  i);
  //void set_jlong_at(int offset, jlong i);
  //void set_addr_at(int offset, address x);

  int  insn_word() const { return long_at(0); }
	static bool is_op (int insn, Assembler::ops op) { return Assembler::opcode(insn) == (int)op; }
	bool is_op (Assembler::ops op)     const { return is_op(insn_word(), op); }
  bool is_rs (int insn, Register rs) const { return Assembler::rs(insn) == (int)rs; }
  bool is_rs (Register rs)           const { return is_rs(insn_word(), rs); }
  bool is_rt (int insn, Register rt) const { return Assembler::rt(insn) == (int)rt; }
  bool is_rt (Register rt) 					 const { return is_rt(insn_word(), rt); }
	static bool is_special_op (int insn, Assembler::special_ops op) { 
		return is_op(insn, Assembler::special_op) && Assembler::special(insn)==(int)op; 
  bool is_special_op (Assembler::special_ops op) const { return is_special_op(insn_word(), op); }

  // This doesn't really do anything on Intel, but it is the place where
  // cache invalidation belongs, generically:
  void wrote(int offset);


  // unit test stuff
  static void test() {}                 // override for testing

  inline friend NativeInstruction* nativeInstruction_at(address address);

inline NativeInstruction* nativeInstruction_at(address address) {
  NativeInstruction* inst = (NativeInstruction*)address;
#ifdef ASSERT
  return inst;

inline NativeCall* nativeCall_at(address address);
// The NativeCall is an abstraction for accessing/manipulating native call imm32/rel32off
// instructions (used to manipulate inline caches, primitive & dll calls, etc.).
// MIPS has no call instruction with imm32. Usually, a call was done like this:
// 			lui 		rt, imm16
// 			addiu 	rt, rt, imm16
// 			jalr 		rt
// we just consider the above three instruction as one call instruction
class NativeCall: public NativeInstruction {
  enum mips_specific_constants {
    //instruction_code            = 0xE8,
    instruction_offset          =    0,
    instruction_size            =   16,
    return_address_offset       =   16,
    displacement_offset         =    0	

  //enum { cache_line_size = BytesPerWord };  // conservative estimate!

  address instruction_address() const       { return addr_at(instruction_offset); }
  address next_instruction_address() const  { return addr_at(return_address_offset); }
  address return_address() const            { return addr_at(return_address_offset); }
  address destination() const;
  void  set_destination(address dest)       {
		set_long_at(0, (long_at(0) & 0xffff0000) | (Assembler::split_high((int)dest) & 0xffff));
		set_long_at(4, (long_at(4) & 0xffff0000) | (Assembler::split_low((int)dest) & 0xffff));
		ICache::invalidate_range(addr_at(0), 8);
  void  set_destination_mt_safe(address dest) { set_destination(dest);}

  //void  verify_alignment() { assert((intptr_t)addr_at(displacement_offset) % BytesPerInt == 0, "must be aligned"); }
  void  verify_alignment() {  }
  void  verify();
  void  print();

  // Creation
  inline friend NativeCall* nativeCall_at(address address);
  inline friend NativeCall* nativeCall_before(address return_address);

  static bool is_call_at(address instr) {
    //return ((*instr) & 0xFF) == NativeCall::instruction_code;
		return nativeInstruction_at(instr)->is_call();

  static bool is_call_before(address return_address) {
    return is_call_at(return_address - NativeCall::return_address_offset);

  static bool is_call_to(address instr, address target) {
    return nativeInstruction_at(instr)->is_call() &&
      nativeCall_at(instr)->destination() == target;

  // MT-safe patching of a call instruction.
  static void insert(address code_pos, address entry);

  static void replace_mt_safe(address instr_addr, address code_buffer);

inline NativeCall* nativeCall_at(address address) {
  NativeCall* call = (NativeCall*)(address - NativeCall::instruction_offset);
#ifdef ASSERT
  return call;

inline NativeCall* nativeCall_before(address return_address) {
  NativeCall* call = (NativeCall*)(return_address - NativeCall::return_address_offset);
#ifdef ASSERT
  return call;

// An interface for accessing/manipulating native mov reg, imm32 instructions.
// (used to manipulate inlined 32bit data dll calls, etc.)
//we use two instructions to implement this:
//		lui rd, imm16
//		addiu rd, immm16
//see MacroAssembler::move(Register, int)
class NativeMovConstReg: public NativeInstruction {
  enum mips_specific_constants {
    instruction_offset  	=    0,
    instruction_size  	      	=    8,
    next_instruction_offset 	=    8,
  int     insn_word() const                 { return long_at(instruction_offset); }
  address instruction_address() const       { return addr_at(0); }
  address next_instruction_address() const  { return addr_at(next_instruction_offset); }
  intptr_t data() const                     {	return Assembler::merge(long_at(4)&0xffff, long_at(0)&0xffff); }
  void    set_data(intptr_t x);

  void  verify();
  void  print();

  // unit test stuff
  static void test() {}

  // Creation
  inline friend NativeMovConstReg* nativeMovConstReg_at(address address);
  inline friend NativeMovConstReg* nativeMovConstReg_before(address address);

inline NativeMovConstReg* nativeMovConstReg_at(address address) {
  NativeMovConstReg* test = (NativeMovConstReg*)(address - NativeMovConstReg::instruction_offset);
#ifdef ASSERT
  return test;

inline NativeMovConstReg* nativeMovConstReg_before(address address) {
  NativeMovConstReg* test = (NativeMovConstReg*)(address - NativeMovConstReg::instruction_size - NativeMovConstReg::instruction_offset);
#ifdef ASSERT
  return test;

class NativeMovConstRegPatching: public NativeMovConstReg {
    friend NativeMovConstRegPatching* nativeMovConstRegPatching_at(address address) {
    NativeMovConstRegPatching* test = (NativeMovConstRegPatching*)(address - instruction_offset);
    #ifdef ASSERT
    return test;

// An interface for accessing/manipulating native moves of the form:
// 			lui   AT, split_high(offset)
// 			addiu AT, split_low(offset)
// 			add   reg, reg, AT
// 			lb/lbu/sb/lh/lhu/sh/lw/sw/lwc1/swc1 dest, reg, 0
// 			[lw/sw/lwc1/swc1                    dest, reg, 4]
// 		or 
// 			lb/lbu/sb/lh/lhu/sh/lw/sw/lwc1/swc1 dest, reg, offset
// 			[lw/sw/lwc1/swc1                    dest, reg, offset+4]
// Warning: These routines must be able to handle any instruction sequences
// that are generated as a result of the load/store byte,word,long
// macros.  

class NativeMovRegMem: public NativeInstruction {
  enum mips_specific_constants {
    instruction_offset  = 0,
    hiword_offset 	= 4,
    ldst_offset   	= 12,
    immediate_size	= 4,
    ldst_size     	= 16

  //offset is less than 16 bits.
  bool is_immediate() const { return !is_op(long_at(instruction_offset), Assembler::lui_op); }
  bool is_64ldst() const {
    if (is_immediate()) {
      return (Assembler::opcode(long_at(hiword_offset)) == Assembler::opcode(long_at(instruction_offset))) &&
	     (Assembler::imm_off(long_at(hiword_offset)) == Assembler::imm_off(long_at(instruction_offset)) + wordSize);
    } else {
      return (Assembler::opcode(long_at(ldst_offset+hiword_offset)) == Assembler::opcode(long_at(ldst_offset))) &&
	     (Assembler::imm_off(long_at(ldst_offset+hiword_offset)) == Assembler::imm_off(long_at(ldst_offset)) + wordSize);

  address instruction_address() const       { return addr_at(instruction_offset); }
  address next_instruction_address() const  { 
    return addr_at( (is_immediate()? immediate_size : ldst_size) + (is_64ldst()? 4 : 0));  
/*  // helper
  int instruction_start() const;

  address instruction_address() const;

  address next_instruction_address() const;

  int   offset() const;

  void  set_offset(int x);

  void  add_offset_in_bytes(int add_offset)     { set_offset ( ( offset() + add_offset ) ); }

  void verify();
  void print ();

  // unit test stuff
  static void test() {}

  inline friend NativeMovRegMem* nativeMovRegMem_at (address address);

inline NativeMovRegMem* nativeMovRegMem_at (address address) {
  NativeMovRegMem* test = (NativeMovRegMem*)(address - NativeMovRegMem::instruction_offset);
#ifdef ASSERT
  return test;

class NativeMovRegMemPatching: public NativeMovRegMem {
  friend NativeMovRegMemPatching* nativeMovRegMemPatching_at (address address) {
    NativeMovRegMemPatching* test = (NativeMovRegMemPatching*)(address - instruction_offset);
    #ifdef ASSERT
    return test;

// Handles all kinds of jump on Loongson. Long/far, conditional/unconditional
// far jump:
// 			lui   reg, split_high(addr)
// 			addiu reg, split_low(addr)
// 			jr    reg
//      nop
// or 
// 			beq 	ZERO, ZERO, offset
//      nop
class NativeGeneralJump: public NativeInstruction {
  enum mips_specific_constants {
    instruction_offset 	=    0,
    beq_opcode         	=    0x10000000,//000100|00000|00000|offset
    b_mask       	=    0xffff0000,
    short_size    	=    8,
    instruction_size   =    16

  bool is_short() const { return (long_at(instruction_offset) & b_mask) == beq_opcode; }
  address instruction_address() const { return addr_at(instruction_offset); }
  address jump_destination() const {
    if ( is_short() ) {
      return addr_at(4) + Assembler::imm_off(long_at(instruction_offset)) * 4;
      return (address)Assembler::merge(long_at(4)&0xffff, long_at(instruction_offset)&0xffff);

  void  set_jump_destination(address dest);

	// Creation
  inline friend NativeGeneralJump* nativeGeneralJump_at(address address);

	// Insertion of native general jump instruction
  static void insert_unconditional(address code_pos, address entry);
  static void replace_mt_safe(address instr_addr, address code_buffer);
  static void check_verified_entry_alignment(address entry, address verified_entry){}
  static void patch_verified_entry(address entry, address verified_entry, address dest);

  void verify();

inline NativeGeneralJump* nativeGeneralJump_at(address address) {
  NativeGeneralJump* jump = (NativeGeneralJump*)(address);
  return jump;

/*class NativePopReg : public NativeInstruction {
  enum Intel_specific_constants {
  instruction_code            = 0x58,
  instruction_size            =    1,
  instruction_offset          =    0,
  data_offset                 =    1,
  next_instruction_offset     =    1

// Insert a pop instruction
static void insert(address code_pos, Register reg);

class NativeIllegalInstruction: public NativeInstruction {
  enum Intel_specific_constants {
    instruction_size          =    4,
    instruction_offset        =    0,
    next_instruction_offset   =    4

  // Insert illegal opcode as specific address
  static void insert(address code_pos);

// return instruction that does not pop values of the stack
// jr RA
// delay slot
class NativeReturn: public NativeInstruction {
  enum mips_specific_constants {
    instruction_size          =    8,
    instruction_offset        =    0,
    next_instruction_offset   =    8

class NativeCondJump;
inline NativeCondJump* nativeCondJump_at(address address);
class NativeCondJump: public NativeInstruction {
  enum mips_specific_constants {
    instruction_size 	      = 16,
    instruction_offset        = 12,
    next_instruction_offset   = 20

  int insn_word() const  { return long_at(instruction_offset); }
  address instruction_address() const { return addr_at(0); }
  address next_instruction_address() const { return addr_at(next_instruction_offset); }
  // Creation
  inline friend NativeCondJump* nativeCondJump_at(address address);

  address jump_destination()  const {
    return ::nativeCondJump_at(addr_at(12))->jump_destination();

  void set_jump_destination(address dest) {


inline NativeCondJump* nativeCondJump_at(address address) {
  NativeCondJump* jump = (NativeCondJump*)(address);
  return jump;

inline bool NativeInstruction::is_illegal() { return insn_word() == illegal_instruction(); }

inline bool NativeInstruction::is_call()    { 
  return is_op(long_at(0), Assembler::lui_op) &&
         is_op(long_at(4), Assembler::addiu_op) &&
	 is_special_op(long_at(8), Assembler::jalr_op);

inline bool NativeInstruction::is_return()  { return is_special_op(Assembler::jr_op) && is_rs(RA);}

inline bool NativeInstruction::is_jump() { 
  return ((long_at(0) & NativeGeneralJump::b_mask) == NativeGeneralJump::beq_opcode) ||
          (is_op(long_at(0), Assembler::lui_op) &&
          is_op(long_at(4), Assembler::addiu_op) &&
          is_special_op(long_at(8), Assembler::jr_op)); 

inline bool NativeInstruction::is_cond_jump()    { return is_int_branch() || is_float_branch(); }

			// is mips we have to use two instruction to poll, however, we don't want to bother checking two instructions
			// instead, we use a lw $0, at() as the second instruction, and only check this.
			// change ZERO -> AT, only in godson-2e @jerome,11/25/2006
inline bool NativeInstruction::is_safepoint_poll() {
         is_op(long_at(-4), Assembler::lui_op) && 
         is_op(Assembler::lw_op) && 