view test/javax/xml/jaxp/unittest/stream/XMLStreamReaderTest/report.dtd @ 779:2b61bfcaa586

8132660: Change jaxp unit test package name to be different with jaxp api Reviewed-by: joehw Contributed-by:
author joehw
date Mon, 10 Aug 2015 09:52:32 -0700
parents test/javax/xml/jaxp/unittest/javax/xml/stream/XMLStreamReaderTest/report.dtd@29ba77ad2a87
line wrap: on
line source

<!NOTATION cgm PUBLIC "Computer Graphics Metafile">

 <!NOTATION ccitt PUBLIC "CCITT group 4 raster">

 <!ENTITY % text "(#PCDATA | emph)*">

 <!ENTITY infoflow SYSTEM "infoflow.ccitt" NDATA ccitt>

 <!ENTITY tagexamp SYSTEM "tagexamp.cgm"   NDATA cgm>

 <!ELEMENT report (title, chapter+)>

 <!ELEMENT title %text;>

 <!ELEMENT chapter (title, intro?, section*)>

 <!ATTLIST chapter

               shorttitle CDATA #IMPLIED>

 <!ELEMENT intro (para | graphic)+>

 <!ELEMENT section (title, intro?, topic*)>

 <!ATTLIST section

               shorttitle CDATA #IMPLIED

               sectid ID #IMPLIED>

 <!ELEMENT topic (title, (para | graphic)+)>

 <!ATTLIST topic

               shorttitle CDATA #IMPLIED

               topicid ID #IMPLIED>

 <!ELEMENT para (#PCDATA | emph | xref)*>

 <!ATTLIST para

               security (u | c | s | ts) "u">

 <!ELEMENT emph %text;>

 <!ELEMENT graphic EMPTY>

 <!ATTLIST graphic

               graphname ENTITY #REQUIRED>


 <!ATTLIST xref

               xrefid IDREF #IMPLIED>