changeset 2613:5971151ecd40 icedtea-3.0.0pre09

Bump to icedtea-3.0.0pre09. Upstream changes: - PR2841: Parallelism issues resulting from PR2459 - PR2853: Fix build for aarch64/zero - PR2853: Remaining miscellaneous synchronisation changes from aarch64/jdk8u - PR2853: Remove AArch64-specific code in generateOptoStub.cpp. - PR2853: Remove some AArch64-specific code in share/. - PR2853: Remove some unnecessary divergences from jdk8u. - PR2853: Revert AArch64 jvm.cfg divergence - PR2853: Revert changes to libpng source code now 8078245 is in place. - S6854417: TESTBUG: java/util/regex/ fails intermittently - S6857566: (bf) DirectByteBuffer garbage creation can outpace reclamation - S6904403: assert(f == k-&gt;has_finalizer(),&quot;inconsistent has_finalizer&quot;) with debug VM - S6907252: ZipFileInputStream Not Thread-Safe - S7194452: Remove "Reverse" PKIX CertPathBuilder implementation - S8005226: java/rmi/transport/pinClientSocketFactory/ fails intermittently - S8011858: Use Compile::live_nodes() instead of Compile::unique() in appropriate places - S8022321: java/lang/ref/ fails intermittently - S8027137: Merge ScriptFunction and ScriptFunctionImpl - S8029020: Check src/share/native/java/util/zip code for JNI pending exceptions - S8029453: java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock/ failed by timeout - S8029516: (fs) WatchKey cancel unreliable on Windows - S8030785: Missing "since 1.8" javadoc for java.lang.reflect.Method:getParameterCount - S8030829: Add MD5 to jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms security property - S8031668, PR2842: TOOLCHAIN_FIND_COMPILER unexpectedly resolves symbolic links - S8034057: Files.getFileStore and Files.isWritable do not work with SUBST'ed drives (win) - S8034179: Clean up nio genConstants - S8037371: [macosx] Test closed/java/awt/dnd/ImageTransferTest/ImageTransferTest.html fails - S8038502: Deflater.needsInput() should use synchronization - S8042622: Check for CRL results in IllegalArgumentException "white space not allowed" - S8043202: Prohibit RC4 cipher suites - S8044364: runtime/RedefineFinalizer test fails on windows - S8048030: Expectations should be consistent - S8048353: jstack -l crashes VM when a Java mirror for a primitive type is locked - S8051837: Remove temporary G1UseParallelRSetUpdating and G1UseParallelRSetScanning flags - S8055917: jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilationPhase$N should be renamed to proper classes - S8057035: Some tests failed using java.awt.Color on Solaris without X11 libraries - S8058737: CodeCache::find_blob fails with 'unsafe access to zombie method' - S8059054: Better URL processing - S8060717: [TESTBUG] Improve test coverage of MethodHandles.explicitCastArguments() - S8061630: G1 iterates over JNIHandles two times - S8062591: SPARC PICL causes significantly longer startup times - S8067422: Lambda method names are unnecessarily unstable - S8067655: Clean up G1 remembered set oop iteration - S8068761: [TEST_BUG] java/nio/channels/ServerSocketChannel/ failed with SocketTimeoutException - S8068842: Better JAXP data handling - S8068901: Surprising behavior with more than one functional interface on a class - S8068903: Can't invoke vararg @FunctionalInterface methods - S8071291: Compiler crashes trying to cast UnionType to IntersectionClassType - S8072116: Fix for 8071710 needs to be updated for build dependency checking. - S8072147: Preloading libjsig.dylib causes deadlock when signal() is called - S8072384: Setting IP_TOS on sockets not working on unix - S8072466: Deadlock when initializing MulticastSocket and DatagramSocket - S8072676: [macosx] Jtree icon painted over label when scrollbars present in window - S8073008: press-and-hold input method for accented characters works incorrectly on OS X - S8073519: schemagen does not report errors while generating xsd files - S8073613: Here documents: how to avoid string interpolation? - S8073644: Assertion in LambdaFormEditor.bindArgumentType is too strict - S8073733: TypeError messages with "call" and "new" could be improved - S8074032: Instant.ofEpochMilli(millis).toEpochMilli() can throw arithmetic overflow in toEpochMilli() - S8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases - S8074068: Cleanup in java.base/share/classes/sun/security/x509/ - S8074368: ThreadMXBean.getThreadInfo() corrupts memory when called with empty array for thread ids - S8074696: Remote debugging session hangs for several minutes when calling findBootType - S8074865: General crypto resilience changes - S8075158: Make jdk8u60 the default release on jdk8u repos - S8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap - S8075374: Responding to OCSP responses - S8075378: JNDI DnsClient Exception Handling - S8075584: test for 8067364 depends on hardwired text advance - S8075738: Better multi-JVM sharing - S8075773: jps running as root fails after the fix of JDK-8050807 - S8075805: Crash while trying to release CompiledICHolder - S8075833: Straighter Elliptic Curves - S8075838: Method for typing MethodTypes - S8075853: Proxy for MBean proxies - S8076040: Test com/sun/crypto/provider/KeyFactory/ fails with -XX:+UseG1GC - S8076110: VM crash when class is redefined with Instrumentation.redefineClasses - S8076328: Enforce key exchange constraints - S8076339: Better handling of remote object invocation - S8076376: Enhance IIOP operations - S8076383: Better CORBA exception handling - S8076387: Better CORBA value handling - S8076392: Improve IIOPInputStream consistency - S8076401: Serialize OIS data - S8076405: Improve serial serialization - S8076409: Reinforce RMI framework - S8076413: Better JRMP message handling - S8076505: Increment minor version of HSx for 8u65 and initialize the build number - S8076968: PICL based initialization of L2 cache line size on some SPARC systems is incorrect - S8077155: LoginContext Subject ignored by jdk8 - S8077520: Morph tables into improved form - S8078427: More supportive home environment - S8078440: Safer managed types - S8078495: End time checking for native TGT is wrong - S8078562: Add modified dates - S8078822: 8068842 fix missed one new file - S8079323: Serialization compatibility for Templates: need to exclude Hashtable from serialization - S8079410: Hotspot version to share the same update and build version from JDK - S8080012: JVM times out with vdbench on SPARC M7-16 - S8080115: (fs) Crash in libgio when calling Files.probeContentType(path) from parallel threads - S8080246: JNLP app cannot be launched due to deadlock - S8080501: javaarrayconversion.js test is flawed - S8080541: More direct property handling - S8080688: Service for DGC services - S8080776: ARM 32 bit binaries do not run on 64 bit ARM v8 hardware - S8081297: SSL Problem with Tomcat - S8081386: Test sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ test has RC4 dependencies - S8081485: EDT auto shutdown is broken in case of new event queue usage - S8081590: The CDS classlist needs to be updated for 8u60 - S8081744: Clear out list corner case - S8081760: Better group dynamics - S8081775: two lib/testlibrary tests are failing with "Error. failed to clean up files after test" with jtreg 4.1 b12 - S8081787: [macosx] MalformedURLException is thrown during reading data for application/x-java-url; flavor - S8081794: ParsePosition getErrorIndex returns 0 for TimeZone parsing problem - S8085965: VM hangs in C2Compiler - S8086038: [macosx] No available data flavors when copying from Microsoft Word for Mac - S8086092: More palette improvements - S8086733: Improve namespace handling - S8087110: [TESTBUG] Test javax/swing/JFileChooser/8002077/ fails - S8087118: Remove missing package from files - S8087190: Regression in - S8087201: OGL: rendering of lcd text is slow - S8087292: nashorn should have a "fail-fast" option for scripting, analog to bash "set -e" - S8087312: PropertyMapWrapper.equals should compare className - S8087350: Improve array conversions - S8098854: Do cleanup in a proper order in sunmscapi code - S8103671: More objective stream classes - S8103675: Better Binary searches - S8114838: Anonymous functions escape to surrounding scope when defined under "with" statement - S8129108: nmethod related crash in CMS - S8129221: Increment the build value to b03 for hs25.45 in 8u45-b37 - S8129611: Accessbridge error handling improvement - S8129926: Sub-packages in jdk.* are present in all Compact Profiles when they should not be - S8129950: Wrong condition for checking absence of logger in MethodHandleFactory - S8129957: Deadlock in JNDI LDAP implementation when closing the LDAP context - S8129959: DebugLogger has unnecessary API methods - S8130006: java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles/CatchExceptionTest Fails - S8130078: Document better processing - S8130136: Swing window sometimes fails to repaint partially when it becomes exposed - S8130185: More accessible access switch - S8130193: Improve HTTP connections - S8130234: Get rid of JSType.isNegativeZero - S8130253: ObjectStreamClass.getFields too restrictive - S8130274: java/nio/file/FileStore/ fails when two successive stores in an iteration are determined to be equal - S8130291: Update the Hotspot version numbers in Hotspot for JDK 8u66 - S8130297: com/sun/crypto/provider/KeyFactory/ still failing after JDK-8076040 - S8130307: improve Nashorn Javadoc target - S8130424: if directory specified with --dest-dir does not exist, only .class files are dumped and .js files are not - S8130426: Test tools/javac/links/ fails on Windows 10(x64) - S8130476: Remove unused methods in - S8130663: 6 fields can be static fields in Global class - S8130710: Better attributes processing - S8130752: Wrong changes were pushed with 8068886 - S8130776: Remove EmbeddedFrame.requestFocusToEmbedder() method - S8130853: Non-extensible global is not handled property - S8130864: Better server identity handling - S8130888: Typos in nashorn sources - S8130891: (bf) More direct buffering - S8130938: Incomplete 8ux fix for 8071710: libfontmanager & t2k should link against headless awt on solaris - S8130952: test/sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/ failed - S8131039: after adding a function property to Object.prototype, JSON.parse with reviver function goes into infinite loop - S8131126: Set update release to 8u66 and keep default jprt release as 8u60 on jdk8u repos - S8131182: Increment minor version of HSx for 8u71 and initialize the build number - S8131291: Perfect parameter patterning - S8131333: [TESTBUG] Improperly specified VM option 'TraceRedefineClasses=0x600' - S8131340: Varargs function is recompiled each time it is linked - S8131588: new hotspot build - hs25.66-b02 - S8131628: new hotspot build - hs25.66-b03 - S8131683: Delete fails over multiple scopes - S8131752: [Regression] Test java/awt/GraphicsDevice/ fails - S8131907: Numerous threads lock during XML processing while running Weblogic 12.1.3 - S8132042: Preserve layout presentation - S8132082: Let OracleUcrypto accept RSAPrivateKey - S8132092: Nashorn copyright has to be updated - S8132210: Reinforce JMX collector internals - S8132382: [macosx] Crash during JMC or JavaFX execution when NSApplication is controlled by SWT or JavaFX libraries - S8132551: Initialize local varibales before returning them in p11_convert.c - S8132850: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException during text rendering with many fonts installed - S8132988: Better printing dialogues - S8133015: InetAddress.isReachable(tmout) returning wrong value on Windows for IPv6 - S8133022: Instant.toEpochMilli() silently overflows - S8133062: Increment the build value to b04 for hs25.51 in 8u51-b32 - S8133119: Error message associated with TypeError for call and new should include stringified Node - S8133193: Memory leak in G1 because G1RootProcessor doesn't have desctructor - S8133196: HTTPS hostname invalid issue with InetAddress - S8133207: [TEST_BUG] test fails after changes for JDK-8080115 - S8133232: [fs] Regex has redundant | in the char class - S8133249: Occasional SIGSEGV: non thread-safe use of strerr in get LastErrorString - S8133253: [TESTBUG] java/lang/Class/getDeclaredField/ fails on compact profile - S8133300: Ensure symbol table immutability in Nashorn AST - S8133321: (tz) Support tzdata2015f - S8133357: 8u65 l10n resource file translation update - S8133415: 8u66 l10n resource file translation update - S8133454: Update Java Compiler Error Message - S8133543: [TESTBUG] java/lang/invoke/LFCaching/ should be modified - S8133647: (ch) Test java/nio/channels/AsynchronousSocketChannel/ fails for Windows XP - S8133666: OperatingSystemMXBean reports abnormally high machine CPU consumption on Linux - S8133748: Readjust b10 tags for 7u91, 8u65 to include localization changes - S8133785: SharedScopeCall should be enabled for non-optimistic call sites in optimistic compilation - S8133917: Refactor X11FontManager - S8133962: More general limits - S8134031: Incorrect JIT compilation of complex code with inlining and escape analysis - S8134126: 8u66 l10n resource file translation update 2 - S8134150: Make Timing both threadsafe and efficient - S8134161: JVM is creating too many GC helper threads on T7/M7 linux/sparc platform - S8134356: {@code} tag contains &lt; and &gt; sequences - S8134403: Nashorn react.js benchmark performance regression - S8134453: JAWS crashes in WindowsAccessBridge.DLL on 32 bit 8u60 running on 32 bit Win 7 - S8134484: disallow backquotes as heredoc end marker delimiters - S8134488: var statement in if(false) block incorrectly evacuated into enclosing function - S8134490: Dead var statement evacuation incorrectly descends into nested functions - S8134493: Cleaning inline caches of unloaded nmethods should be done in sweeper - S8134502: introduce abstraction for basic NodeVisitor usage - S8134505: Cleanup of "TimeZone_md.c" - S8134569: Add tests for prototype callsites - S8134605: Partial rework of the fix for 8081297 - S8134609: Allow constructors with same prototoype map to share the allocator map - S8134731: Function.prototype.apply interacts incorrectly with arguments - S8134774: Need to backout partial fix for 8081297 from 9, 8u65, 8u66, 7u91 - S8134828: Scrollbar thumb disappears with Nimbus L&F - S8134861: XSLT: Extension func call cause exception if namespace URI contains partial package name - S8134917: [macosx] JOptionPane doesn't receive mouse events when opened from a drop event - S8134930: Defer stack trace walking of NashornException for extracting line number and file name - S8134931: jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.TypeMap should not use Map - S8134939: Improve toString method of Dynalink DynamicMethod objects - S8134946: Embedded source bundle should contain binary artifacts - S8134973: Control flow exceptions should avoid filling stack trace - S8135000: Number.prototype.toFixed returns wrong string for 0.5 and -0.5 - S8135002: Fix or remove broken links in objectMonitor.cpp comments - S8135043: ObjectStreamClass.getField(String) too restrictive - S8135054: Add more samples to nashorn samples directory - S8135075: Reorder short-circuit tests in ApplySpecialization to run cheapest first - S8135190: Method code too large in Babel browser.js script - S8135262: Sanitize CodeInstaller API - S8135305: InetAddress.isReachable reports true when loopback interface is specified - S8135307: CompletionFailure thrown when calling FieldDoc.type, if the field's type is missing - S8135332: ScriptFunction constructor should use is bound and is strict check rather than checking for 'arguments' and 'caller' - S8135336: Fix broken build after JDK-8135262 - S8135337: NativeDebug.dumpCounters with incorrect scope count - S8136349: Typos patch for nashorn sources submitted on Sep 10, 2015 - S8136534: Loading JKS keystore using non-null InputStream results in closed stream - S8136544: Call site switching to megamorphic causes incorrect property read - S8136561: Increment the build value to b24 for hs25.60 in 8u60-b32 - S8136691: 8u65/8u66 b14 Solaris builds failed on Linking - S8136694: Megemorphic scope access does not throw ReferenceError when property is missing - S8136742: jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms was not updated in - S8136763: [macosx] java always returns only one value for "text/uri-list" dataflavor even if several files were copied - S8136980: build for 8u65 and 8u66 for solaris platforms is failing - S8137060: JMX memory management improvements - S8137106: EUDC (End User Defined Characters) are not displayed on Windows with Java 8u60+ - S8137121: (fc) Infinite loop FileChannel.truncate - S8137134: invokespecial on indirect super interface is generated by Java adapter generator - S8137230: TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ timed out - S8137258: JSObjectLinker and BrowserJSObjectLinker should not expose internal JS objects - S8137281: OutOfMemoryError with large numeric keys in JSON.parse - S8137333: Boundless soft caching of property map histories causes high memory pressure - S8138589: Correct limits on unlimited cryptography - S8138616: invokeFunction fails if function calls a function defined in GLOBAL_SCOPE - S8138632: Sparse array does not handle growth of underlying dense array - S8138712: Backout JDK-8030829 and JDK-8136742 from 8u65, and 8u66 release - S8138716: (tz) Support tzdata2015g - S8138819: (se) File descriptor leak when fails - S8139012: Better font substitutions - S8139017: More stable image decoding - S8139107: DateTimeFormatter with Locale.UK throw a NullPointerException when parsing zone - S8139150: ClassVerifier frees exception message while it's still in use - S8139373: [TEST_BUG] java/net/MulticastSocket/ failed with timeout - S8139813: Base heap size on type of boot jdk, not architecture of build machine - S8139863: [TESTBUG] Need to port tests for JDK-8134903 to 8u-dev - S8140249: JVM Crashing During startUp If Flight Recording is enabled - S8140268: Generate link to specification license for JavaDoc API documentation - S8140543: Arrange font actions - S8141213: [Parfait]Potentially blocking function GetArrayLength called in JNI critical region at line 239 of jdk/src/share/native/sun/awt/image/jpeg/jpegdecoder.c in function GET_ARRAYS - S8141260: isReachable crash in windows xp - S8141287: Add MD5 to jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms - Take 2 - S8142928: [TEST_BUG] sun/security/provider/certpath/ReverseBuilder/ 8u71 failure - S8143132: L10n resource file translation update - S8143134: L10n resource file translation update - S8143185: Cleanup for handling proxies - S8143397: It looks like InetAddress.isReachable(timeout) works incorrectly - S8143941: Update splashscreen displays - S8143959: Certificates requiring blacklisting - S8144773: Further reduce use of MD5 - S8144803: [TEST_BUG] Remove test/sun/security/provider/certpath/ReverseBuilder/ from 8u72 - S8144955: Wrong changes were pushed with 8143942 - S8145551: Test failed with Crash for Improved font lookups - S8148351, PR2842: Only display resolved symlink for compiler, do not change path ChangeLog: 2016-02-21 Andrew John Hughes <> Bump to icedtea-3.0.0pre09. * (JDK_UPDATE_VERSION): Bump to 72. (BUILD_VERSION): Reset to b15. (CORBA_CHANGESET): Update to icedtea-3.0.0pre09 tag. (JAXP_CHANGESET): Likewise. (JAXWS_CHANGESET): Likewise. (JDK_CHANGESET): Likewise. (LANGTOOLS_CHANGESET): Likewise. (OPENJDK_CHANGESET): Likewise. (NASHORN_CHANGESET): Likewise. (CORBA_SHA256SUM): Likewise. (JAXP_SHA256SUM): Likewise. (JAXWS_SHA256SUM): Likewise. (JDK_SHA256SUM): Likewise. (LANGTOOLS_SHA256SUM): Likewise. (OPENJDK_SHA256SUM): Likewise. (NASHORN_SHA256SUM): Likewise. * NEWS: Updated. * Bump to 3.0.0pre09. * Update to icedtea-3.0.0pre09 tag.
author Andrew John Hughes <>
date Mon, 22 Feb 2016 06:09:26 +0000
parents 130888a5c713
children 134b14628088
files ChangeLog NEWS
diffstat 5 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/ChangeLog	Sat Jan 30 01:25:06 2016 +0000
+++ b/ChangeLog	Mon Feb 22 06:09:26 2016 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,27 @@
+2016-02-21  Andrew John Hughes  <>
+	Bump to icedtea-3.0.0pre09.
+	*
+	(JDK_UPDATE_VERSION): Bump to 72.
+	(BUILD_VERSION): Reset to b15.
+	(CORBA_CHANGESET): Update to icedtea-3.0.0pre09 tag.
+	(JAXP_CHANGESET): Likewise.
+	(JAXWS_CHANGESET): Likewise.
+	(JDK_CHANGESET): Likewise.
+	(CORBA_SHA256SUM): Likewise.
+	(JAXP_SHA256SUM): Likewise.
+	(JAXWS_SHA256SUM): Likewise.
+	(JDK_SHA256SUM): Likewise.
+	(LANGTOOLS_SHA256SUM): Likewise.
+	(OPENJDK_SHA256SUM): Likewise.
+	(NASHORN_SHA256SUM): Likewise.
+	* NEWS: Updated.
+	* Bump to 3.0.0pre09.
+	* Update to icedtea-3.0.0pre09 tag.
 2016-01-29  Andrew John Hughes  <>
 	PR1983: Support using the system installation
--- a/	Sat Jan 30 01:25:06 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Feb 22 06:09:26 2016 +0000
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 # Dependencies
-CORBA_CHANGESET = ebc2780ebeb3
-JAXP_CHANGESET = ac52a8eed353
-JAXWS_CHANGESET = 26a1fdce80b7
-JDK_CHANGESET = 809d98eeda49
-OPENJDK_CHANGESET = f0635543beb3
-NASHORN_CHANGESET = 7babac6e7ecf
+CORBA_CHANGESET = 834cf5ee24b3
+JAXP_CHANGESET = 6527813420de
+JAXWS_CHANGESET = 2ceaeebc6760
+JDK_CHANGESET = dfad9b612327
+OPENJDK_CHANGESET = a358b13af298
+NASHORN_CHANGESET = bbc1966c6af9
-CORBA_SHA256SUM = 330c609920179ee0c73fd40140c915bf1497ee00742d223d721babeb48d4ec66
-JAXP_SHA256SUM = e6771d28027925157e0f3573c7f2b58607d7ae4bb0fd77a6d38f154e7008c09b
-JAXWS_SHA256SUM = be44c6810e3b8dc8de0ca62dce7111016bb035e9b334af40cffdd9c27cca1ec2
-JDK_SHA256SUM = 55d51096e311e743533b0ccf7974e20588c1df08ac790edf226f06d49a699e25
-LANGTOOLS_SHA256SUM = 536db72b9440ef1ce11d1f87b15a2052a3f362fab04d5bedcd185839e742db86
-OPENJDK_SHA256SUM = fa45e6d4b7b2f114cb1d7388ab57f419b6f733e7be744cac4def586959da64b8
-NASHORN_SHA256SUM = b2509a50adfa4b29c0ae6e8c5b601fc2a76e9cc63da1d34443c6e0bf11a7c150
+CORBA_SHA256SUM = 883a4ce631d9587efdca8b45e1fb5fddc9cf993fa6cb7a56b80c4095bac951b7
+JAXP_SHA256SUM = 59df142c58ccd0fd081e7533c19fabd708c9617818c09d62dcca55cc9ef1514c
+JAXWS_SHA256SUM = f3ad0fe6d232faab9d6b5ec3d048734af1add9d9e625c254e0ecc86e2287b977
+JDK_SHA256SUM = 4b61c2ed76141091a83376793d344f3e7c84b9742eb39773c3df394eb50b9869
+LANGTOOLS_SHA256SUM = c1e5fe95f85536b924af3c6178678f2c540225b21f6d8493a37ef4793fea1e6f
+OPENJDK_SHA256SUM = fac06481d2b27f01524141c4e4ed64ecf60842bb634f8b83c33644b796a1a5f4
+NASHORN_SHA256SUM = 753700234e82a16911934019e5a897709a7b75f0bd9e847da9949f0d2a5a9831
 HS_TYPE = "`$(AWK) 'version==$$1 {print $$2}' version=$(HSBUILD) $(abs_top_builddir)/`"
 HS_URL = "`$(AWK) 'version==$$1 {print $$3}' version=$(HSBUILD) $(abs_top_builddir)/`"
--- a/NEWS	Sat Jan 30 01:25:06 2016 +0000
+++ b/NEWS	Mon Feb 22 06:09:26 2016 +0000
@@ -12,10 +12,11 @@
 New in release 3.0.0 (2015-XX-XX):
-* Rebase on jdk8u60-b24
+* Rebase on jdk8u72-b15
 * Backports
   - S4890063, PR2304, RH1214835: HPROF: default text truncated when using doe=n option
   - S8000650, PR2462: unpack200.exe should check gzip crc
+  - S8031668, PR2842: TOOLCHAIN_FIND_COMPILER unexpectedly resolves symbolic links
   - S8035341: Allow using a system installed libpng
   - S8038392: Generating prelink cache breaks JAVA 'jinfo' utility normal behavior
   - S8042159: Allow using a system-installed lcms2
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@
   - S8139932, PR2739: Typo in makefile changes for 8043805 [Allow using a system-installed libjpeg]
   - S8140483, PR2740: Atomic*FieldUpdaters final fields should be trusted
   - S8140620, PR2769: Find and load default.sf2 as the default soundbank on Linux
+  - S8148351, PR2842: Only display resolved symlink for compiler, do not change path
 * Bug fixes
   - S8041658: Use of -fdevirtualize on macroAssembler_x86.o (via -O2) with gcc 4.9.0 creates broken VM
   - PR94: empty install target in
@@ -133,6 +135,14 @@
   - PR2804: test/tapset/ should be executable
   - PR2815: Race condition in SunEC provider with system NSS
   - PR2825: Placement of -lfreebl matters when using bfd linker
+  - PR2841: Parallelism issues resulting from PR2459
+  - PR2853: Fix build for aarch64/zero
+  - PR2853: Remaining miscellaneous synchronisation changes from aarch64/jdk8u
+  - PR2853: Remove AArch64-specific code in generateOptoStub.cpp.
+  - PR2853: Remove some AArch64-specific code in share/.
+  - PR2853: Remove some unnecessary divergences from jdk8u.
+  - PR2853: Revert AArch64 jvm.cfg divergence
+  - PR2853: Revert changes to libpng source code now 8078245 is in place.
   - Don't substitute 'j' for '-j' inside -I directives
   - Extend 8041658 to all files in the HotSpot build.
   - Remove jcheck
--- a/	Sat Jan 30 01:25:06 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Feb 22 06:09:26 2016 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-AC_INIT([icedtea], [3.0.0pre08], [])
+AC_INIT([icedtea], [3.0.0pre09], [])
 AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.9 tar-pax foreign])
--- a/	Sat Jan 30 01:25:06 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Feb 22 06:09:26 2016 +0000
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
 # version url changeset md5sum
-default drop c313c4782bb3 c876cd97bca74e2970161688eb3e388675ebce3ebc4a34bedfb6bec3bb8e9cab
+default drop dbf85d44da89 f84673a0cd41131b86280173c268521152086570ad2c7702034552d5848f4bea