view src/share/tools/hsdis/hsdis.c @ 10905:f57189b7648d

8257192: Integrate AArch64 JIT port into 8u 7009641: Don't fail VM when CodeCache is full 8073108: [AArch64] Use x86 and SPARC CPU instructions for GHASH acceleration 8130309: Need to bailout cleanly if creation of stubs fails when codecache is out of space (AArch64 changes) 8131779: AARCH64: add Montgomery multiply intrinsic 8132875: AArch64: Fix error introduced into AArch64 CodeCache by commit for 8130309 8135018: AARCH64: Missing memory barriers for CMS collector 8145320: Create unsafe_arraycopy and generic_arraycopy for AArch64 8148328: aarch64: redundant lsr instructions in stub code. 8148783: aarch64: SEGV running SpecJBB2013 8148948: aarch64: generate_copy_longs calls align() incorrectly 8149080: AArch64: Recognise disjoint array copy in stub code 8149365: aarch64: memory copy does not prefetch on backwards copy 8149907: aarch64: use load/store pair instructions in call_stub 8150038: aarch64: make use of CBZ and CBNZ when comparing narrow pointer with zero 8150045: arraycopy causes segfaults in SATB during garbage collection 8150082: aarch64: optimise small array copy 8150229: aarch64: pipeline class for several instructions is not set correctly 8150313: aarch64: optimise array copy using SIMD instructions 8150394: aarch64: add support for 8.1 LSE CAS instructions 8150652: Remove unused code in AArch64 back end 8151340: aarch64: prefetch the destination word for write prior to ldxr/stxr loops. 8151502: optimize pd_disjoint_words and pd_conjoint_words 8151775: aarch64: add support for 8.1 LSE atomic operations 8152537: aarch64: Make use of CBZ and CBNZ when comparing unsigned values with zero. 8152840: aarch64: improve _unsafe_arraycopy stub routine 8153172: aarch64: hotspot crashes after the 8.1 LSE patch is merged 8153713: aarch64: improve short array clearing using store pair 8153797: aarch64: Add Arrays.fill stub code 8154413: AArch64: Better byte behaviour 8154537: AArch64: some integer rotate instructions are never emitted 8154739: AArch64: TemplateTable::fast_xaccess loads in wrong mode 8155015: Aarch64: bad assert in spill generation code 8155100: AArch64: Relax alignment requirement for byte_map_base 8155612: Aarch64: vector nodes need to support misaligned offset 8155617: aarch64: ClearArray does not use DC ZVA 8155627: Enable SA on AArch64 8155653: not pushed with 8155612 8156731: aarch64: java/util/Arrays/ fails due to _generic_arraycopy stub routine 8157841: aarch64: prefetch ignores cache line size 8157906: aarch64: some more integer rotate instructions are never emitted 8158913: aarch64: SEGV running Spark terasort 8159052: aarch64: optimise unaligned copies in pd_disjoint_words and pd_conjoint_words 8159063: aarch64: optimise unaligned array copy long 8160748: [AArch64] Inconsistent types for ideal_reg 8161072: AArch64: jtreg compiler/uncommontrap/TestDeoptOOM failure 8161190: AArch64: Fix overflow in immediate cmp instruction 8164113: AArch64: follow-up the fix for 8161598 8165673: AArch64: Fix JNI floating point argument handling 8167200: AArch64: Broken stack pointer adjustment in interpreter 8167421: AArch64: in one core system, fatal error: Illegal threadstate encountered 8167595: AArch64: SEGV in stub code cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt 8168699: Validate special case invocations [AArch64 support] 8168888: Port 8160591: Improve internal array handling to AArch64. 8170100: AArch64: Crash in C1-compiled code accessing References 8170188: jtreg test compiler/types/ causes JVM crash 8170873: PPC64/aarch64: Poor StrictMath performance due to non-optimized compilation 8171537: aarch64: compiler/c1/ generates guarantee failure in C1 8172881: AArch64: assertion failure: the int pressure is incorrect 8173472: AArch64: C1 comparisons with null only use 32-bit instructions 8176100: [AArch64] [REDO][REDO] G1 Needs pre barrier on dereference of weak JNI handles 8177661: Correct ad rule output register types from iRegX to iRegXNoSp 8179954: AArch64: C1 and C2 volatile accesses are not sequentially consistent 8182581: aarch64: fix for crash caused by earlyret of compiled method 8183925: [AArch64] Decouple crash protection from watcher thread 8186325: AArch64: jtreg test hotspot/test/gc/g1/TestJNIWeakG1/ SEGV 8187224: aarch64: some inconsistency between aarch64_ad.m4 and 8189170: [AArch64] Add option to disable stack overflow checking in primordial thread for use with JNI_CreateJavaJVM 8193133: Assertion failure because 0xDEADDEAD can be in-heap 8195685: AArch64 port of 8174962: Better interface invocations 8195859: AArch64: vtableStubs gtest fails after 8174962 8196136: AArch64: Correct register use in patch for JDK-8194686 8196221: AArch64: Mistake in committed patch for JDK-8195859 8199712: [AArch64] Flight Recorder 8203481: Incorrect constraint for unextended_sp in frame:safe_for_sender 8203699: java/lang/invoke/SpecialInterfaceCall fails with SIGILL on aarch64 8205421: AARCH64: StubCodeMark should be placed after alignment 8206163: AArch64: incorrect code generation for StoreCM 8207345: Trampoline generation code reads from uninitialized memory 8207838: AArch64: Float registers incorrectly restored in JNI call 8209413: AArch64: NPE in clhsdb jstack command 8209414: [AArch64] method handle invocation does not respect JVMTI interp_only mode 8209415: Fix JVMTI test failure HS202 8209420: Track membars for volatile accesses so they can be properly optimized 8209835: Aarch64: elide barriers on all volatile operations 8210425: [AArch64] sharedRuntimeTrig/sharedRuntimeTrans compiled without optimization 8211064: [AArch64] Interpreter and c1 don't correctly handle jboolean results in native calls 8211233: MemBarNode::trailing_membar() and MemBarNode::leading_membar() need to handle dying subgraphs better 8213134: AArch64: vector shift failed with MaxVectorSize=8 8213419: [AArch64] C2 may hang in MulLNode::Ideal()/MulINode::Ideal() with gcc 8.2.1 8214857: "bad trailing membar" assert failure at memnode.cpp:3220 8215951: AArch64: jtreg test vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/PopFrame/popframe005 segfaults 8215961: jdk/jfr/event/os/ fails on AArch64 8216350: AArch64: monitor unlock fast path not called 8216989: CardTableBarrierSetAssembler::gen_write_ref_array_post_barrier() does not check for zero length on AARCH64 8217368: AArch64: C2 recursive stack locking optimisation not triggered 8218185: aarch64: missing LoadStore barrier in TemplateTable::putfield_or_static 8219011: Implement MacroAssembler::warn method on AArch64 8219635: aarch64: missing LoadStore barrier in TemplateTable::fast_storefield 8221220: AArch64: Add StoreStore membar explicitly for Volatile Writes in TemplateTable 8221658: aarch64: add necessary predicate for ubfx patterns 8224671: AArch64: mauve System.arraycopy test failure 8224828: aarch64: rflags is not correct after safepoint poll 8224851: AArch64: fix warnings and errors with Clang and GCC 8.3 8224880: AArch64: java/javac error with AllocatePrefetchDistance 8228400: Remove built-in AArch64 simulator 8228406: Superfluous change in chaitin.hpp 8228593: Revert explicit JDK 7 support additions 8228716: Revert InstanceKlass::print_on debug additions 8228718: Revert incorrect backport of JDK-8129757 to 8-aarch64 8228725: AArch64: Purge method call format support 8228747: Revert "unused" attribute from test_arraycopy_func 8228767: Revert ResourceMark additions 8228770: Revert development hsdis changes 8229123: Revert build fixes for aarch64/zero 8229124: Revert disassembler.cpp changes 8229145: Revert TemplateTable::bytecode() visibility change 8233839: aarch64: missing memory barrier in NewObjectArrayStub and NewTypeArrayStub 8237512: AArch64: aarch64TestHook leaks a BufferBlob 8246482: Build failures with +JFR -PCH 8247979: aarch64: missing side effect of killing flags for clearArray_reg_reg 8248219: aarch64: missing memory barrier in fast_storefield and fast_accessfield Reviewed-by: shade, aph
author andrew
date Mon, 01 Feb 2021 03:48:36 +0000
parents 3a3803a0c789
children f79e943d15a7
line wrap: on
line source

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/* hsdis.c -- dump a range of addresses as native instructions
   This implements the plugin protocol required by the
   HotSpot PrintAssembly option.

#include <config.h> /* required by bfd.h */
#include <errno.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <libiberty.h>
#include <bfd.h>
#include <bfdver.h>
#include <dis-asm.h>

#include "hsdis.h"

#ifndef bool
#define bool int
#define true 1
#define false 0
#endif /*bool*/

/* short names for stuff in hsdis.h */
typedef decode_instructions_event_callback_ftype  event_callback_t;
typedef decode_instructions_printf_callback_ftype printf_callback_t;

/* disassemble_info.application_data object */
struct hsdis_app_data {
  /* virtual address of data */
  uintptr_t start_va, end_va;
  /* the instructions to be decoded */
  unsigned char* buffer;
  uintptr_t length;
  event_callback_t  event_callback;  void* event_stream;
  printf_callback_t printf_callback; void* printf_stream;
  bool losing;
  bool do_newline;

  /* the architecture being disassembled */
  const char* arch_name;
  const bfd_arch_info_type* arch_info;

  /* the disassembler we are going to use: */
  disassembler_ftype      dfn;
  struct disassemble_info dinfo; /* the actual struct! */

  char mach_option[64];
  char insn_options[256];

static void* decode(struct hsdis_app_data* app_data, const char* options);

#define DECL_APP_DATA(dinfo) \
  struct hsdis_app_data* app_data = (struct hsdis_app_data*) (dinfo)->application_data

#define DECL_EVENT_CALLBACK(app_data) \
  event_callback_t  event_callback = (app_data)->event_callback; \
  void*             event_stream   = (app_data)->event_stream

#define DECL_PRINTF_CALLBACK(app_data) \
  printf_callback_t  printf_callback = (app_data)->printf_callback; \
  void*              printf_stream   = (app_data)->printf_stream

static void print_help(struct hsdis_app_data* app_data,
                       const char* msg, const char* arg);
static void setup_app_data(struct hsdis_app_data* app_data,
                           const char* options);
static const char* format_insn_close(const char* close,
                                     disassemble_info* dinfo,
                                     char* buf, size_t bufsize);

#ifdef DLL_ENTRY
decode_instructions_virtual(uintptr_t start_va, uintptr_t end_va,
                            unsigned char* buffer, uintptr_t length,
                            event_callback_t  event_callback_arg,  void* event_stream_arg,
                            printf_callback_t printf_callback_arg, void* printf_stream_arg,
                            const char* options, int newline) {
  struct hsdis_app_data app_data;
  memset(&app_data, 0, sizeof(app_data));
  app_data.start_va    = start_va;
  app_data.end_va      = end_va;
  app_data.buffer = buffer;
  app_data.length = length;
  app_data.event_callback  = event_callback_arg;
  app_data.event_stream    = event_stream_arg;
  app_data.printf_callback = printf_callback_arg;
  app_data.printf_stream   = printf_stream_arg;
  app_data.do_newline = newline == 0 ? false : true;

  return decode(&app_data, options);

/* This is the compatability interface for older version of hotspot */
#ifdef DLL_ENTRY
decode_instructions(void* start_pv, void* end_pv,
                    event_callback_t  event_callback_arg,  void* event_stream_arg,
                    printf_callback_t printf_callback_arg, void* printf_stream_arg,
                    const char* options) {
                             (unsigned char*)start_pv,
                             (uintptr_t)end_pv - (uintptr_t)start_pv,
                             options, false);

static void* decode(struct hsdis_app_data* app_data, const char* options) {
  setup_app_data(app_data, options);
  char buf[128];

    /* now reload everything from app_data: */
    uintptr_t start = app_data->start_va;
    uintptr_t end   = app_data->end_va;
    uintptr_t p     = start;

    (*event_callback)(event_stream, "insns", (void*)start);

    (*event_callback)(event_stream, "mach name='%s'",
                      (void*) app_data->arch_info->printable_name);
    if (app_data->dinfo.bytes_per_line != 0) {
      (*event_callback)(event_stream, "format bytes-per-line='%p'/",
                        (void*)(intptr_t) app_data->dinfo.bytes_per_line);

    while (p < end && !app_data->losing) {
      (*event_callback)(event_stream, "insn", (void*) p);

      /* reset certain state, so we can read it with confidence */
      app_data->dinfo.insn_info_valid    = 0;
      app_data->dinfo.branch_delay_insns = 0;
      app_data->dinfo.data_size          = 0;
      app_data->dinfo.insn_type          = 0;

      int size = (*app_data->dfn)((bfd_vma) p, &app_data->dinfo);

      if (size > 0)  p += size;
      else           app_data->losing = true;

      if (!app_data->losing) {
        const char* insn_close = format_insn_close("/insn", &app_data->dinfo,
                                                   buf, sizeof(buf));
        (*event_callback)(event_stream, insn_close, (void*) p);

        if (app_data->do_newline) {
          /* follow each complete insn by a nice newline */
          (*printf_callback)(printf_stream, "\n");

    if (app_data->losing) (*event_callback)(event_stream, "/insns", (void*) p);
    return (void*) p;

/* take the address of the function, for luck, and also test the typedef: */
const decode_func_vtype decode_func_virtual_address = &decode_instructions_virtual;
const decode_func_stype decode_func_address = &decode_instructions;

static const char* format_insn_close(const char* close,
                                     disassemble_info* dinfo,
                                     char* buf, size_t bufsize) {
  if (!dinfo->insn_info_valid)
    return close;
  enum dis_insn_type itype = dinfo->insn_type;
  int dsize = dinfo->data_size, delays = dinfo->branch_delay_insns;
  if ((itype == dis_nonbranch && (dsize | delays) == 0)
      || (strlen(close) + 3*20 > bufsize))
    return close;

  const char* type = "unknown";
  switch (itype) {
  case dis_nonbranch:   type = NULL;         break;
  case dis_branch:      type = "branch";     break;
  case dis_condbranch:  type = "condbranch"; break;
  case dis_jsr:         type = "jsr";        break;
  case dis_condjsr:     type = "condjsr";    break;
  case dis_dref:        type = "dref";       break;
  case dis_dref2:       type = "dref2";      break;

  strcpy(buf, close);
  char* p = buf;
  if (type)    sprintf(p += strlen(p), " type='%s'", type);
  if (dsize)   sprintf(p += strlen(p), " dsize='%d'", dsize);
  if (delays)  sprintf(p += strlen(p), " delay='%d'", delays);
  return buf;

/* handler functions */

static int
hsdis_read_memory_func(bfd_vma memaddr,
                       bfd_byte* myaddr,
                       unsigned int length,
                       struct disassemble_info* dinfo) {
  /* convert the virtual address memaddr into an address within memory buffer */
  uintptr_t offset = ((uintptr_t) memaddr) - app_data->start_va;
  if (offset + length > app_data->length) {
    /* read is out of bounds */
    return EIO;
  } else {
    memcpy(myaddr, (bfd_byte*) (app_data->buffer + offset), length);
    return 0;

static void
hsdis_print_address_func(bfd_vma vma, struct disassemble_info* dinfo) {
  /* the actual value to print: */
  void* addr_value = (void*) (uintptr_t) vma;

  /* issue the event: */
  void* result =
    (*event_callback)(event_stream, "addr/", addr_value);
  if (result == NULL) {
    /* event declined */
    generic_print_address(vma, dinfo);

/* configuration */

static void set_optional_callbacks(struct hsdis_app_data* app_data);
static void parse_caller_options(struct hsdis_app_data* app_data,
                                 const char* caller_options);
static const char* native_arch_name();
static enum bfd_endian native_endian();
static const bfd_arch_info_type* find_arch_info(const char* arch_nane);
static bfd* get_native_bfd(const bfd_arch_info_type* arch_info,
                           /* to avoid malloc: */
                           bfd* empty_bfd, bfd_target* empty_xvec);
static void init_disassemble_info_from_bfd(struct disassemble_info* dinfo,
                                           void *stream,
                                           fprintf_ftype fprintf_func,
                                           bfd* bfd,
                                           char* disassembler_options);
static void parse_fake_insn(disassembler_ftype dfn,
                            struct disassemble_info* dinfo);

static void setup_app_data(struct hsdis_app_data* app_data,
                           const char* caller_options) {
  /* Make reasonable defaults for null callbacks.
     A non-null stream for a null callback is assumed to be a FILE* for output.
     Events are rendered as XML.

  /* Look into caller_options for anything interesting. */
  if (caller_options != NULL)
    parse_caller_options(app_data, caller_options);

  /* Discover which architecture we are going to disassemble. */
  app_data->arch_name = &app_data->mach_option[0];
  if (app_data->arch_name[0] == '\0')
    app_data->arch_name = native_arch_name();
  app_data->arch_info = find_arch_info(app_data->arch_name);

  /* Make a fake bfd to hold the arch. and byteorder info. */
  struct {
    bfd_target empty_xvec;
    bfd        empty_bfd;
  } buf;
  bfd* native_bfd = get_native_bfd(app_data->arch_info,
                                   /* to avoid malloc: */
                                   &buf.empty_bfd, &buf.empty_xvec);
                                 /* On PowerPC we get warnings, if we pass empty options */
                                 (caller_options == NULL) ? NULL : app_data->insn_options);

  /* Finish linking together the various callback blocks. */
  app_data->dinfo.application_data = (void*) app_data;
  app_data->dfn = disassembler(bfd_get_arch(native_bfd),
  app_data->dinfo.print_address_func = hsdis_print_address_func;
  app_data->dinfo.read_memory_func = hsdis_read_memory_func;

  if (app_data->dfn == NULL) {
    const char* bad = app_data->arch_name;
    static bool complained;
    if (bad == &app_data->mach_option[0])
      print_help(app_data, "bad mach=%s", bad);
    else if (!complained)
      print_help(app_data, "bad native mach=%s; please port hsdis to this platform", bad);
    complained = true;
    /* must bail out */
    app_data->losing = true;

  parse_fake_insn(app_data->dfn, &app_data->dinfo);

/* ignore all events, return a null */
static void* null_event_callback(void* ignore_stream, const char* ignore_event, void* arg) {
  return NULL;

/* print all events as XML markup */
static void* xml_event_callback(void* stream, const char* event, void* arg) {
  FILE* fp = (FILE*) stream;
#define NS_PFX "dis:"
  if (event[0] != '/') {
    /* issue the tag, with or without a formatted argument */
    fprintf(fp, "<"NS_PFX);
    fprintf(fp, event, arg);
    fprintf(fp, ">");
  } else {
    ++event;                    /* skip slash */
    const char* argp = strchr(event, ' ');
    if (argp == NULL) {
      /* no arguments; just issue the closing tag */
      fprintf(fp, "</"NS_PFX"%s>", event);
    } else {
      /* split out the closing attributes as <dis:foo_done attr='val'/> */
      int event_prefix = (argp - event);
      fprintf(fp, "<"NS_PFX"%.*s_done", event_prefix, event);
      fprintf(fp, argp, arg);
      fprintf(fp, "/></"NS_PFX"%.*s>", event_prefix, event);
  return NULL;

static void set_optional_callbacks(struct hsdis_app_data* app_data) {
  if (app_data->printf_callback == NULL) {
    int (*fprintf_callback)(FILE*, const char*, ...) = &fprintf;
    FILE* fprintf_stream = stdout;
    app_data->printf_callback = (printf_callback_t) fprintf_callback;
    if (app_data->printf_stream == NULL)
      app_data->printf_stream   = (void*)           fprintf_stream;
  if (app_data->event_callback == NULL) {
    if (app_data->event_stream == NULL)
      app_data->event_callback = &null_event_callback;
      app_data->event_callback = &xml_event_callback;


static void parse_caller_options(struct hsdis_app_data* app_data, const char* caller_options) {
  char* iop_base = app_data->insn_options;
  char* iop_limit = iop_base + sizeof(app_data->insn_options) - 1;
  char* iop = iop_base;
  const char* p;
  for (p = caller_options; p != NULL; ) {
    const char* q = strchr(p, ',');
    size_t plen = (q == NULL) ? strlen(p) : ((q++) - p);
    if (plen == 4 && strncmp(p, "help", plen) == 0) {
      print_help(app_data, NULL, NULL);
    } else if (plen >= 5 && strncmp(p, "mach=", 5) == 0) {
      char*  mach_option = app_data->mach_option;
      size_t mach_size   = sizeof(app_data->mach_option);
      mach_size -= 1;           /*leave room for the null*/
      if (plen > mach_size)  plen = mach_size;
      strncpy(mach_option, p, plen);
      mach_option[plen] = '\0';
    } else if (plen > 6 && strncmp(p, "hsdis-", 6) == 0) {
      // do not pass these to the next level
    } else {
      /* just copy it; {i386,sparc}-dis.c might like to see it  */
      if (iop > iop_base && iop < iop_limit)  (*iop++) = ',';
      if (iop + plen > iop_limit)
        plen = iop_limit - iop;
      strncpy(iop, p, plen);
      iop += plen;
    p = q;
  *iop = '\0';

static void print_help(struct hsdis_app_data* app_data,
                       const char* msg, const char* arg) {
  if (msg != NULL) {
    (*printf_callback)(printf_stream, "hsdis: ");
    (*printf_callback)(printf_stream, msg, arg);
    (*printf_callback)(printf_stream, "\n");
  (*printf_callback)(printf_stream, "hsdis output options:\n");
  if (printf_callback == (printf_callback_t) &fprintf)
    disassembler_usage((FILE*) printf_stream);
    disassembler_usage(stderr); /* better than nothing */
  (*printf_callback)(printf_stream, "  mach=<arch>   select disassembly mode\n");
#if defined(LIBARCH_i386) || defined(LIBARCH_amd64)
  (*printf_callback)(printf_stream, "  mach=i386     select 32-bit mode\n");
  (*printf_callback)(printf_stream, "  mach=x86-64   select 64-bit mode\n");
  (*printf_callback)(printf_stream, "  suffix        always print instruction suffix\n");
  (*printf_callback)(printf_stream, "  help          print this message\n");

/* low-level bfd and arch stuff that binutils doesn't do for us */

static const bfd_arch_info_type* find_arch_info(const char* arch_name) {
  const bfd_arch_info_type* arch_info = bfd_scan_arch(arch_name);
  if (arch_info == NULL) {
    extern const bfd_arch_info_type bfd_default_arch_struct;
    arch_info = &bfd_default_arch_struct;
  return arch_info;

static const char* native_arch_name() {
  const char* res = NULL;
#ifdef LIBARCH_i386
  res = "i386";
#ifdef LIBARCH_amd64
  res = "i386:x86-64";
#ifdef LIBARCH_sparc
  res = "sparc:v8plusb";
#ifdef LIBARCH_sparcv9
  res = "sparc:v9b";
#if defined(LIBARCH_ppc64) || defined(LIBARCH_ppc64le)
  res = "powerpc:common64";
#ifdef LIBARCH_aarch64
  res = "aarch64";
  if (res == NULL)
    res = "architecture not set in Makefile!";
  return res;

static enum bfd_endian native_endian() {
  int32_t endian_test = 'x';
  if (*(const char*) &endian_test == 'x')
    return BFD_ENDIAN_BIG;

static bfd* get_native_bfd(const bfd_arch_info_type* arch_info,
                           bfd* empty_bfd, bfd_target* empty_xvec) {
  memset(empty_bfd,  0, sizeof(*empty_bfd));
  memset(empty_xvec, 0, sizeof(*empty_xvec));
  empty_xvec->flavour = bfd_target_unknown_flavour;
  empty_xvec->byteorder = native_endian();
  empty_bfd->xvec = empty_xvec;
  empty_bfd->arch_info = arch_info;
  return empty_bfd;

static int read_zero_data_only(bfd_vma ignore_p,
                               bfd_byte* myaddr, unsigned int length,
                               struct disassemble_info *ignore_info) {
  memset(myaddr, 0, length);
  return 0;
static int print_to_dev_null(void* ignore_stream, const char* ignore_format, ...) {
  return 0;

/* Prime the pump by running the selected disassembler on a null input.
   This forces the machine-specific disassembler to divulge invariant
   information like bytes_per_line.
static void parse_fake_insn(disassembler_ftype dfn,
                            struct disassemble_info* dinfo) {
  typedef int (*read_memory_ftype)
    (bfd_vma memaddr, bfd_byte *myaddr, unsigned int length,
     struct disassemble_info *info);
  read_memory_ftype read_memory_func = dinfo->read_memory_func;
  fprintf_ftype     fprintf_func     = dinfo->fprintf_func;

  dinfo->read_memory_func = &read_zero_data_only;
  dinfo->fprintf_func     = &print_to_dev_null;
  (*dfn)(0, dinfo);

  /* put it back */
  dinfo->read_memory_func = read_memory_func;
  dinfo->fprintf_func     = fprintf_func;

static void init_disassemble_info_from_bfd(struct disassemble_info* dinfo,
                                           void *stream,
                                           fprintf_ftype fprintf_func,
                                           bfd* abfd,
                                           char* disassembler_options) {
  init_disassemble_info(dinfo, stream, fprintf_func);

  dinfo->flavour = bfd_get_flavour(abfd);
  dinfo->arch = bfd_get_arch(abfd);
  dinfo->mach = bfd_get_mach(abfd);
  dinfo->disassembler_options = disassembler_options;
  dinfo->octets_per_byte = bfd_octets_per_byte (abfd);
  dinfo->skip_zeroes = sizeof(void*) * 2;
  dinfo->skip_zeroes_at_end = sizeof(void*)-1;
  dinfo->disassembler_needs_relocs = FALSE;

  if (bfd_big_endian(abfd))
    dinfo->display_endian = dinfo->endian = BFD_ENDIAN_BIG;
  else if (bfd_little_endian(abfd))
    dinfo->display_endian = dinfo->endian = BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE;
    dinfo->endian = native_endian();
