view @ 171:1d7ab9111fd2

- added tests ported to the new framework (package org.thermostat.qa2.tests) - added/updated required targets in Makefile - new info about dependecies added to - authorization and error checking code added to mongo js scripts - done necessary changes to reporter, so it can be used with new framework - updated keyrings - added required pattern (for gui tests)
author Zdenek Zambersky <>
date Tue, 10 Mar 2015 13:48:12 +0100
parents 7baba5d67a16
children 661ca2d7795f
line wrap: on
line source


This project contains QA tests for Thermostat. Thermostat itself
contains a set of unit and integration tests, but this tries to be
much more comprehensive.


import (ImageMagick)


Build and run using:

    $ make

This will download any necessary tools and then set up everything and run the
entire test suite. Since the test exercises the GUI, it might be a good idea to
run it in a seprate VNC session.

Directory Structure

- `bin/` compiled classes
- `logs/`  logs from tests
- `reports/` reports from tests
- `screenshots/` screenshots from tests
- `scripts/` scripts for running the tsts

Important makefile targets

all         builds project an runs tests

build       builds all classes

runtests    executes all test (automaticaly builds project and download
            necessary software if needed)

listtests   lists all available tests

<testName>  runs single test of that name

report      generates report from tests (runtests is needed to be executed before)

javadoc     generages javadoc

thermostat  clones, builds and sets-up thermostat (if necessary)

tomcat      downloads and unpacks apache-tomcat (if necessary)

Important makefile variables

BUILD_DIR           : directory genrated by build phase used to store compiled 
                      classes and also downloaded files/software
                      and custom configuration directories used for testing
                      (default: bin)

CLASSES_DIR         : directory where generated classes are stored
                      (default: <BUILD_DIR>/classes)

THERMOSTAT_REPO_URL : repository used to clone Thermostat for testing
                      (default: )

THERMOSTAT_VERSION  : version for which ThermostatQA is configured
                      (default: 1.1.0)

THERMOSTAT_USER_DIR : directory used for thermostat user configuration during testing
                      (used to set USER_THERMOSTAT_HOME environment variable)
                      (default: <BUILD_DIR>/.thermostat)

THERMOSTAT_DIR      : directory with thermostat for testing (if present)
                      or directory where to clone thermostat (if not present)
                      (default: <BUILD_DIR>/thermostat)                   

TOMCAT_DIR          : directory with apache-tomcat used for testing (if present)
                      or directory where to download thermostat (if not present)
                      (default: <BUILD_DIR>/tomcat)

KILL_DAEMONS        : if this variable is set to 1 test suite will not ask for
                      confirmation before killing daemons (mongo, gnome-keyring).
                      if there is any of them running.
                      (see Side Efects)

SCREENSHOT_SOURCE   : sets backend for making screenshots and for mouse,
                      keyboard emulation, possible values:
                      robot  - uses java.awt.Robot class
                      xvfb   - uses import command (imagemagick) to make
                               screenshots and xdotool for mouse move and
                               keyboard, it may be necessary when testing inside
                               vnc or xvfb (imagemagick and xdotool need to be
                               installed first to use this backend)
                      (default: robot)


testing using default config (builds tests, downloads tomcat and all nessessary
software and runs test using default config)


testing thermostat from custom repository (url):

    make THERMOSTAT_REPO_URL=<someUrl>

testing thermostat stored at custom path, using custom tomcat   

    make THERMOSTAT_DIR=<somePath>  TOMCAT_DIR=<somePath>

Side Effects

By default these tests do not modify settings in ~/.thermostat or any other
files or settings outside this (ThermostatQA) directory (and subdirs).

When using custom Thermostat, tests also modify files in
<THERMOSTAT_DIR>/distribution/target/image/etc directory.

When using custom apache-tomcat ThermostatQA also deploys thermostat war archive
in <TOMCAT_DIR>/webapps/thermostat.

Running tests needs to terminate running instances of mongod
and gnome-keyring-daemon, because it runs theese daemons with custom
configuration. If some of these deamons running test suite will ask
for confirmation to kill them. This can be skiped by setting KILL_DAEMONS
makefile variable.
(see Important makefile variables)